3 Hours Ago by Leon Puissegur

Obama’s Lies About Obamacare Are Catching Up With Him


It is rather simple to refer to Barack Obama as a liar, seeing as how over 1 million people lost their insurance due to the way insurance companies would have to cover them under Obamacare, and these insurance companies made it clear that it was Obamacare that affected their decision to terminate these people's health coverage. This is the same health coverage that Obama had clearly stated, "If you like your health care plan, you keep your health care plan, period." That was Obama's statements time and time again all during his campaign and before Obamacare was signed into law! Now the great Liar-in-Chief has once again come up with a lie to make people believe that what he said is true!

Back to the Obamacare and the ridiculous launch of the Healthcare.gov web site, many call it a huge joke and will not file for anything mainly because they cannot get onto the site at all. Obama stated, "If you like your doctor, you keep your doctor, Period!" Now, many people are discovering that when their insurance drops them, they cannot go to their doctor because they will have no insurance to pay him with! Once again, it is clear that Obama lied, period!
Obama even scared the veterans with blatant lies when he mentioned the sequester that he had agreed to.
Fox News reported in August:
President Obama took his case for ending the sequester to hundreds of disabled veterans Saturday, saying he protected their benefits from the "reckless" cuts to the federal budget but suggesting next year might be different.
"It's hurting our military. I made it clear that your veteran's benefits are exempt from this year's sequester," the president said to the applause of hundreds at the Disabled American Veterans' convention in Orlando, Fla. "But I want to tell you going forward the best way to protect the VA care you have earned is to get rid of this sequester altogether."
The president put the blame squarely on Congress, which returns in about four weeks to work on a new federal budget and increasing the federal debt limit.
"We've got these reckless, across-the-board budget cuts called the sequester that are hitting a lot of folks hard," Obama said. "Congress needs to come together and agree on a responsible plan that reduces our deficit and keeps our promises to our veterans and keeps our promises to future generations."

Insane. How about quit sending money to the Muslim Brotherhood? There are billions of things we could cut; yet liberals want to make sure that the cuts hurt.

Obama has used this tactic even for the recent shut down stating that veterans would lose their benefits if the shutdown began, but once again, we learned that the veterans were given their benefits by a vote from both sides of the House of Representatives. However, Senator Harry Reid would not allow it to come to a vote in the Senate. Once again, Obama lied about this since all he had to do was call Senator Harry Reid and tell him to allow a vote on veterans' benefits. Yet during the shutdown Obama did nothing but complain!
Now we have to wonder what dirty little secrets Obama is not telling us since it seems we can prove his lies without hesitation, and we do not have to look far back to see just how much Obama has lied. On October 1, 2013 Ernest Istook wrote an article, which was published at the Washington Times. He wrote:
"The Associated Press has documented some of President Barack Obama's big lies about Obamacare, its costs, and the debt ceiling. But they didn't publish that account until September 30th, the last day of pre-Obamacare America."

He went on to show the following:
"The AP was overly kind in its conclusions. Rather than labeling Obama's claims as false, deceitful or lies, they wrote, "The President is being a bit slippery on the costs of coverage, in particular." The advice to citizens was "there are reasons for the buyer to beware of his rhetoric."

Even the Associated Press is now calling down Obama for his lies!
In closing, we have to ask just how many more lies from Obama will the people allow before they begin to ask the tough questions? We also have to wonder just how long will it take the so-called mainstream media to ask the very tough questions of why the President has to tell lies almost at every turn or in this case, almost at every crisis? Is this his plan, to lie to the people until they rise up and revolt so he can declare Martial Law and become the dictator or king? Just how long will it take for the good people of the United States to wake up and see this man for the liar he truly is? What good can a President be when all he can do is contrive lie after lie? Let us, become what the Constitution says we are, a land of "We The People" rather than a land of "We The Slaves," because once we allow this nation to fail, we will all become slaves to the Government.
We can clearly state that Obama has lied many times, and he will continue to lie. It is his nature to do so. It seems he has done that most of his life to get what he wants.
The question is, when will we put a stop to it?

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