State of Illinois, Disenfranchised military voters

What About All Those Military Ballots, Mr. President?

By John Lillpop
Monday, November 8, 2010

Democrats are infamous for fretting over every last vote in order to assure that not one voter is disenfranchised.

Except, that is, when it comes to ballots cast by voters whose ballots were probably cast for Republicans.

Which is why in 2000 Al Gore made his feeble effort to recount only heavily Democratic precincts in Florida; an act of attempted larceny that would have gifted him with enough votes to overcome W.’s lead throughout the rest of the state.

That gambit failed miserably as the U.S. Supreme Court saw through Gore’s chicanery and refused to allow the Democrats to steal the election.

As was the case in 2000, the Democrat Party and its hoodlum lawyers worked overtime on November 2 to suppress Republican votes, this time focusing on disenfranchisement of the very men and women who make it possible for Americans to vote in the first place.

That would be men and women in the United States military, most of whom vote via absentee ballot.

As reported in part: ... -vote.html

Eric Eversole, executive director of the Military Voter Protection Project, told, “I’m incredibly concerned that ballots were mailed out 25 days before an election, meaning there is a significant chance they won’t make it to service members prior to an election,â€