I missed this site before the November elections, but hopefully it is not too late to inform voters.

The Reform Party of Kansas seeks to find, run, and support candidates that support pro-Kansas, pro-Constitution, pro-family, and pro-life issues.

At the forefront of the many urgent issues are
  • The invasion of illegal aliens into Kansas and all of America[/*:m:y9vmr83k]
  • The loss of jobs by Kansans/Americans, both from exportation of jobs to other countries (NAFTA, CAFTA, the Peru FTA, the Colombia FTA, etc.) and from the hiring of illegal aliens by companies here.[/*:m:y9vmr83k]
  • The race to establish a North American Union that will officially usurp lawful authority from our elected representatives, delivering it over to appointed beaurocrats. (This has basically already happened, but the SPP is finalizing it.)[/*:m:y9vmr83k]
  • The Orwellian National Animal Identification System, which serves the multi-national meat packing corporations by crushing small and medium producers under unbearable regulations while exempting themselves from most of them.[/*:m:y9vmr83k]
  • The loss of personal property rights, especially since the shameful Kelo decision.[/*:m:y9vmr83k]
  • The war crimes being committed by the military and "intelligence" leadership of many countries against their own troops, their own civilians, and other innocent civilians all over the world, especially in the Middle East, including the destruction of the Bill of Rights and Posse Comitatus in America, the poisoning of the environment with Depleted Uranium, and "extraordinary rendition" of innocent people to subject them to "secret" torture (if they are finally released, they are ordered not to reveal the details of their torture!).[/*:m:y9vmr83k]

Please visit http://www.votekansas.org/

To help us, please sign up for an account: http://www.votekansas.org/register
If you're in Kansas, please consider registering Reform.

If you know good people in Kansas, ask them to consider running for office on the Reform ticket. It is easier than you might think.