Isn't his jerk on many committees, like the CFR? I remember seeing his name in that or Bilderberg or the Tri-Lateral Commission?

This article makes me so mad. Now I see where the money goes that Bush gives while we go bankrupt. It goes to his cronies pockets and probably back to him somehow. This bank has to be treasonist?

Wonder what was got when China was "awarded" the Olympics. I wish everyone stayed home and let China government sink!!

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[b]World Bank Fired Wolfowitz to Hide Corruption: Former Official

Friday, August 8, 2008 11:40 AM

By: Kenneth R. Timmerman Article Font Size

Senior officials at the World Bank have admitted that the firing of former Bush administration official Paul Wolfowitz as World Bank president was a scheme to block an unpopular anti-corruption campaign he had championed, a former World Bank official told Newsmax.

“The stuff about his girlfriend was all contrived,â€