By David Bay, Cutting Edge Ministries
April 17, 2011

Adolf Hitler understood: "What luck for rulers that people do not think."

Beware!! Republican and Tea Party Leaders Are Beginning To Sound The Fraudulent Warning That 'Liberal Judges' Are Threatening 'Conservative' Values!

Their phony solution? Political activism which will elect Conservative officials and judges! (Remember: Terri Schiavo was killed by Republican Judges – and, Republican judges provided the majority to legalize Sodomy and Abortion with Roe vs Wade).

Recently, I received a Tea Party email blast, warning me that, an election in Wisconsin carried enormous potential for harm to the Conservative cause.

NEWS BRIEF: "Election Alert," by Tea Party Express, email alert, 3/30/2011

"Next Tuesday there's a critical election for Supreme Court in Wisconsin. If liberal Joanne Kloppenburg wins, liberals will control the court and be able to block Gov. Scott Walker's collective bargaining/budget relief legislation. Barack Obama and the labor unions will have won."

While I am not familiar with the local politics in Wisconsin driving this email alert, I am very sensitive to the old "tried and true" political tactic often employed by Conservatives to fire up their fundamental political base. They will mount a major campaign designed to convince Conservative voters that, unless they show up in droves to vote a certain way in a certain election, the Liberals will win and will then control the court system.

President Bush used this tactic with great success during the 2005 effort to get the President's court nominees approved by the Senate. Conservative voters were targeted with a sophisticated Mass Media propaganda barrage designed to convince them to lobby hard with their Congressional representatives to vote in favor of President Bush's judicial nominees, many of whose appointments are stalled in Congress. This propaganda blitz was intent upon sending one major message:

President Bush was trying hard to get his Conservative, Christian agenda through, but was currently being stymied by a recalcitrant, stubborn Congress. If President Bush could only be allowed his choices of judicial nominees, all "judicial activism" would be stopped in its tracks.

Let us examine the truth about "Liberal (Democrat)" versus "Conservative (Republican)" judges and their impact upon the American judicial system at very critical moments in America's modern history.

The lineup of antagonists in this propaganda message is clear:

• Liberal Democrats -- who love abortion and whose appointed judges have been issuing "activist" decisions for many decades now that have wracked this country, turning its values upside down and inside out. In particular, Christians were so very upset about the way judges refused to intervene to save Terri Schiavo's life; further, Christian leaders have been challenging the "judicial activism" of judges from the time of court orders to integrate school systems, to Roe vs Wade, and to the Supreme Court decision in June, 2003, to legalize Sodomy.

• Conservative Republicans -- who want conservative judges who have promised not to be "activist judges". Republicans are held up as the saviors of Conservative and/or Christian values. If we could only get some Republican judges sitting on the benches, we could get America back to loving God and the Bible.

This is the old "tried and true" propaganda lie. Now, let us examine some historical reality.

NEWS BRIEF: "Republicans Responsible For Schiavo's Sacrifice," Retaking America, March 26, 2005

"Republicans are trying to gain political pro-life mileage from the Terri Schiavo circus, when in fact they are the true culprits behind her starvation and dehydration ... Florida circuit court Judge Greer, who presided over the Schiavo case, is a Republican ... When the Florida legislature voted to save Terri, nine senate Republicans voted NO…â€