Dec 30, 2011

Romney son apologizes for Obama 'birther' joke

By David Jackson, USA TODAY Updated 11m ago

One of Mitt Romney's sons is expressing regret for a joke about President Obama's birth certificate.

"I repeated a dumb joke," Matt Romney tweeted today. "My bad."

On Thursday in New Hamphsire, Matt Romney responded to questions about releasing his father's tax returns by joking about Obama's college grades as well as his birth certificate.

"I heard someone suggest the other day that as soon as President Obama releases his grades and birth certificate ... then maybe he'll do it," Matt Romney told a group of senior citizens in New Hampshire on Thursday, according to a video posted by the website ConcordPatch.

Democrats have criticized Romney for not releasing his tax returns, suggesting the millionaire businessman and the former governor of Massachusetts has something to hide.

Obama did in fact release his birth certificate in April, showing he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Aug. 4, 1961.

The president's college grades are not public.

During the appearance in New Hampshire, Matt Romney also suggested a final decision on his father's tax returns has not been made yet.

"He'll do everything he needs to," said Matt Romney. "He's certainly not afraid of anything."