December 12, 2007 9:32 p.m. PT

Ho-ho-no: McDermott votes against Christmas

Congressman backed Ramadan, Diwali

Maybe you could call him Congressman McGrinch.

Rep. Jim McDermott supported House resolutions this fall to recognize the Islamic holiday of Ramadan and the festival of Diwali, celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains.

But the Washington Democrat drew the line at Christmas.

McDermott voted Tuesday against a resolution to recognize the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith.

The resolution, sponsored by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, passed 372-9. Democrats cast all the nay votes.

McDermott, revered by many of his liberal constituents in Seattle, could not be reached for comment Wednesday night. A staff member in his Seattle office said that "if you know the congressman, you'd know why" he opposed the resolution.

Neither the Ramadan nor the Diwali resolutions drew any opposition. No one spoke against the Christmas resolution -- which stated that Christianity was the predominant faith in the U.S. and contributed greatly to the development of Western civilization and America -- leading King to draw his own conclusion.

"I think there's an anti-Christian bias," King said. "I would not have thought that five or 10 years ago that we'd need to make a statement (affirming Christmas and Christianity). I've watched Christ be eradicated by ACLU lawsuits and people be afraid of confrontations. They wish (people) 'happy holidays' but not 'Merry Christmas' because they might be offended."

Ten representatives -- nine Democrats and one Republican -- voted "present" on King's resolution, meaning they did not take a position.

Forty representatives did not vote, including Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash. Dicks, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, missed the vote. Dicks was engaged in a heated discussion on spending in the committee's nearby offices, chief of staff George Behan said.

Dicks had "no reason to vote against" the resolution, which paled in importance "as we're trying to pass the appropriations bill to fund the entire federal government," Behan said.

King missed the vote, too, after being stranded by an ice storm in Iowa, but said his point was made.

"The people who voted 'no' and voted 'present' will also take Christmas Day off, and so will their staff," King said. "They'll take a paycheck while they deny the very reason for the day they do not have to work."

Excerpts from three recent House resolutions regarding religious observances:


HR 635: "Acknowledges the onset of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal, and conveys its respect to Muslims in the United States and throughout the world on this occasion."

Approved 376-0


HR 747: "Acknowledges the onset of Diwali and expresses its deepest respect to Indian Americans and the Indian Diaspora throughout the world on this significant occasion."

Approved 358-0


HR 847: "Acknowledges the international religious and historical importance of Christmas and the Christian faith."

Approved 372-9

P-I reporter John Iwasaki can be reached at 206-448-8096 or ... ource=mypi