Ron Paul: More Financial Chaos on the Horizon, “They’ll Use Force and Intimidation and Guns”

Daniel Jackson
The Daily Sheeple
May 22nd, 2013
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Speaking at the Sovereign Man: Offshore Tactics Workshop in Santiago, Chile, Ron Paul made clear his belief that financial chaos and possible collapse is on the horizon and that the government will do everything in its power to force Americans to comply.

“I expect there is a lot more chaos yet to come and it will not be limited to Europe, I think it will be a worldwide phenomenon and the states wont escape it either because there is so many gross distortions throughout the world because we disobeyed economic law.”

A must hear:

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Contributed by Daniel Jackson of The Daily Sheeple.

Daniel Jackson is a seasoned journalist with a passion for exposing corruption and the lies of the global elite. DJ has a passion for truth and liberty that is shown through his extensive reporting on numerous globally significant topics not normally covered by the corporate controlled media. He is is a writer, researcher and editor for The Daily Sheeple. Wake the flock up!

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