Ron Paul Gaining Speed

Michael Kraft
Published: August 17, 2007
Mitt Romney added another straw poll victory to his resume Thursday.

But the pecking order has taken a sharp change from second on down.

McCain continues to fall apart ever since supporting amnesty so actively. Rudy is still strong in national matchups with Hillary, but hasnt shown up for the straw polls. Rudy is thusly a mystery still.

Huckabee exploded on the Iowa scene, but has fallen on his face in Illinois.

Ron Paul has now pulled A 9% and a 19% in back to back voter polls.
The little man that could, just might.

Romney won with 40.4% percent of the vote.

Former Senator Fred Thompson, came in second with 19.96 percent of the vote. Thompson isnt yet a candidate which means that second place in running candidates is Ron Paul.

Snubbed repeatedly for months, billed as an “also-ranâ€