Unbelievable! This man's stupidity knows no bounds. Nothing like
ripping away my hard earned tax dollars so he can give it away to a
bunch of irresponsible brain dead idiots who don't have enough sense
to use a condom or stop having sex out of wedlock. Never mind that we
have a deficit of almost 10 trillion and we can't afford to do this.
What a deficits to Bush? After all it's not his money. This country
is bankrupt and yet he keeps borrowing more money.

Funny they have 30 billion to spend on a disease that is totally
preventable by exercising restraint and being accountable to oneself,
but yet we don't have 1 billion dollars to spend on building a wall
around America to keep out illegal scum and terrorists that threaten
our nations security. All you keep hearing from these bleeding hearts
is we don't have the money, we don't have the money, yet when it comes
to fulfilling their own sick twisted fraudulent agenda, they all of a
sudden pull billions of our own dollars out of their behinds.

This is so stupid. This isn't going to stop aids, this is nothing
more than big government mismanagement at it's worst just so they can
have something to feel good about. How can you stop aids when you
can't even educate these retards on how to abstain in the first place?

I'm so sick of paying for everyone else's and every other countries
stupidity. I'm also sick of paying for the irresponsibility of this
stupid administration and every other politician as well. For those
who voted for Bush twice, I hope you're getting what you voted for.