Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D
March 1, 2011

It’s said that politics is the art of the possible; but in the age of the media distraction machine the parties have become like characters in a farce; their conflicts simplify, distort disguise the questions that should be asked. They perform this operation on their constituents for the directors of the show, the owners of the media (General Electric, for instance) who often are owners of sports conglomerates that like politicians serve the image-process. Life is a circus and sitcom; imagery buries and consumes reality. In closing I will address the puppenspiel in Wisconsin that is spreading like kudzu.

Oligarchies rule through government with media selling the cover story. The methods of successful rulers always bespeak power and the desire for power, the ability to do things to other people being the most potent aphrodisiac for those who want to govern, as a rider governs a horse: to direct, manage and control other humans. Often enough, this means to degrade others to the status of beasts. The EU Judiciary began pursuing human rights for chimps in 2008. “Public education,â€