By Helmut Flasch

Real Estate Debacle (2nd Wave)

Many people are still in the dark about our current economic climate and some people even believe that the economy is picking up – afterall, this is what we are hearing from our government leaders.

Unfortunately, most Americans will never find out about the upcoming economic crash — the worst in US history — and they will never find out until the storm arrives.

I have said it before, it is easy for all of us to just LOOK at our neighborhoods, LOOK at the businesses around us – are they booming or do they look empty?

And it is easy to find out is the unemployment rate only at 10% or is it really at 20% – only if one cares to LOOK.

If one has no interest in one’s financial future, then LOOKING would not be needed. If one prefers to place his future in the hands of ‘big daddies’ like our government, then looking would not be needed as well – after all, our ‘daddy’ will never lie to us, right?

Here is a video on the 2nd wave of real estate crash that very few people know about:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kunB4SnA ... r_embedded

As I have said before, if you want to sail on the titanic, you better make sure YOU prepare your own lifeboats – cos the builders of titanic are not going to have any for YOU.

I have started consulting many doctors on how to prepare for the economic crash.

If you would like to know what you could do, schedule a consultation with me and my staff. This might be the most important consultation that you will ever need to go through – if you plan to still stay in business for the next 2 years.

Source: http://blog.unadvertise.com/?p=1363