GOP establishment feels heat from voters, changes course, supports O'Donnell

By The Scribe
September 15, 2010 12:24 PM

Well, well, well, it's amazing what a little well placed anger on the part of the grassroots can accomplish.

From the RNC Chairman Michael Steele to Fox News... ... anges-tune

"I look forward to electing Christine O'Donnell the next senator from Delaware," said Steele Wednesday at a press conference in Washington kicking off the RNC's "Fire Pelosi" bus tour. "We cannot waste the opportunity by tearing each other down."

NRSC Chairman Sen. John Cornyn has issued an official statement backing O'Donnell with the full NRSC contribution to Senate candidates.

"Let there be no mistake: The National Republican Senatorial Committee - and I personally as the committee's chairman - strongly stand by all of our Republican nominees, including Christine O'Donnell in Delaware.

"I reached out to Christine this morning, and as I have conveyed to all of our nominees, I offered her my personal congratulations and let her know that she has our support. This support includes a check for $42,000 - the maximum allowable donation that we have provided to all of our nominees - which the NRSC will send to her campaign today.

This is how the conservative grassroots changes the Republican establishment. Yesterday, they voted out a RINO in Delaware.

Today, the national grassroots forced the establishment to support the winner of the Delaware primary.

How does it feel to take back the Republican Party? That's exactly what you are doing.

Christine O'Donnell's website ... z0zcLqktel