Found this very good letter to Senator Cornyn, Texas on finance reform. Great points!

Senator Cornyn,

I'm hearing a lot about limited government from the Republican party
these days.

And as a lifelong Republican, since 1984 I'm proud to have helped put
many limited-government Republicans into office with my vote to reduce
the size of government and to minimize its intrusion into my life.

In fact, for the 26 years I have been listening to candidates make
pitches for my vote and their promises of working for limited government
if elected, I've continuously analyzed& observed the impact of those
legislative decisions& congressional votes on my life and my community
by those same Republicans.

That experience, along with the time I have spent watching how
Republicans, once elected to government, spend my tax dollars and
exercise power, has made me and many other Republican voters like me
self taught experts in reading between the lines the words of
Republicans who talk about limiting the size and scope of government
interference in our lives, yet once in office are only ready and willing
to work with big government liberals and so-called moderates to empower
further the bureaucracy in Washingtion. These people aren't even close
to my idea of a true Republican. People like Arlen Specter, Charlie
Crist, Olympia Snowe, just to name a few, were and are the "Republicans"
I am talking about.

And it appears that there are some Senate Republican leaders that I will
have to now add to that list. Today, I'm very disappointed with several
leaders in our party.

If I am reading reports in the media correctly, it appears that Richard
Shelby is more than ready and willing to work with Chris Dodd to empower
the Fed, add more layers of federal bureaucracy to our economy, and set
the stage for future crises. The bill Senator Shelby is working with
Chris Dodd to enact as the law of the land is called the "Restoring
American Financial Stability Act of 2010."

But really, it should be called the "Federal Reserve Power Grab Act."

According to Talking Points Memo, Shelby has stated, "We're very close
to a deal and there will be a substantial number of Republicans that go
along with it."

Senator Cornyn, I sincerely hope you are not one of them.

Can you and the other Republicans in the Senate not plainly see that
those in The White House are doing everything they can to cram yet
another power grab down the throats of me and my fellow Americans?

The vote on this bill could come at any time, so I'm making my voice
heard immediately.

Chris Dodd's legislation ignores the true cause of the seemingly endless
financial downturn in our country: interference in our economy and
manipulation of our currency by Congress, the Treasury, and the Federal

For all the talk of "change" in D.C., I see elected officials following
the same tired old script: if the federal government created the
problem, the only solution must be to give it even more power.

Now I have to read day after day in the media how Senate leaders want to
create a new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which will be housed
in and funded by the Fed.

The Dodd bill would create a "Financial Stability Oversight Council"
that would have the ability to require nonbank financial companies to be
under the Federal Reserve's supervision based not on their current
status, but on what effect they may/potentially/ have on the economy!
You have got to be kidding me -- is this some kind of cruel joke??

Just as one example of this misguided piece of legislation, this bill
would impose regulations& rules on entities such as my Credit Union,
which had nothing to do with the financial meltdown!!

Who knows how many other businesses will soon be targeted and broken up,
under the guise of "reform," solely for standing up to the federal

Recently, Washington Examiner journalist Tim Carney has done some
terrific work exposing the corporatism behind the White House's
rhetoric. I urge you to read his article that shows how this "reform"
plan will actually benefit the big banks and Wall Street firms,
especially Goldman Sachs, at the expense of smaller companies and the
rest of us.

Senator Cornyn, I'm depending on you& the Senate Republicans, the ones
who still have a spine, to stop Chris Dodd in his tracks from
strengthening the federal government and further entangling the Federal
Reserve in our economy. As for Senator Shelby and those like him, my
friends in the Alabama Tea Party and other state Tea Party organizations
will deal with them this primary season!

There is a better path to true financial reform and it should start with
_thoroughly auditing the Federal Reserve_.

As my Texas Senator, you need to reject Chris Dodd's Fed Power Grab Act
and stand up for transparency by working for a standalone vote on Audit
the Fed, S. 604!

I and my fellow Americans have already suffered too much because of
Washington's previous interference in our economy.

Senator Cornyn, here in Travis County precinct 331, I've got your back
-- along with my neighbors who support you, but only if you take a stand
for freedom and true reform by opposing the Dodd Fed Power Grab Act and
push hard for a long overdue standalone vote on Audit the Fed, S. 604.

Thank you for being my Texas Senator and best regards,