I want to submit an example of what is really going to happen to us Under Obamas' new plan, that has just happened to me.

I have Cigna Health Insurance, they just adopted this heath care panel to help save costs and determine best practices for cost savings!

I just got a letter from them denying payment for any prescriptions for my Diabetic Meds. They say they will only pay for cretin Meds that they, Cigna have determined are what I need. Because for type two Diabetes that’s all I need!

I have already been taken off those meds because they made me sick, dizzy and had me almost passing out. I was on the verge of being let go from work, because of the condition I was in due to the in-effectiveness of those Meds. The Meds were wrong for my Body Type and helping to advance the condition of the Disease in my body, not stop it.

My doctor did extensive testing and determined which Meds work for me.
He went with those meds and saved me from job loss, as well as assisting in my ability to reverse the Diabetic Condition so no Insulin is needed.

Now, they, Cigna, paid for the tests, and had been, for the past 3 months, paying for the prescriptions minus my co-pays.

Today. I get a letter from an Indian Doctor, a Female Doc. who keeps a token administrative office in Washington DC, and does not see Patients.
Her practice is in Nepal!!!!!
She only does Administrative work for Cigna in the US. on Visa!!!!!!

She pays no taxes to the US for her side Income, and is not a legal resident of the US.

She has never examined me, or even spoken to my Doctor, who is an Internist, and also a Teaching Physician here in Nashville with over 20 years experience!

But yet, she, who does not practice Medicine, is allowed to dictate what health services she will allow?

I am looking into suing her across the states and have been told I may not be able to sue Cigna, because they are considered protected status by the Congress and Senate.

This is where we re headed folks with this so-called panel of experts Obama proposes. They will be slick and say no one can be denied coverage for any condition, but then use the Cost cutting and Standard Practices panel to deny treatments to us.

It is already happening, by some insurers, and I am sure it is to try to establish a legal president of accepted practes, to assist them under the law to deny us coverage’s. In short Legal stealing

It is time for us to rally and look into Possible Law suits directly at the Individual Senators and Congressmen and Women who pass this bill.

We need find a way to go to the supreme court if we have to, against Legislators who aid and abet Companies who are committing crimes against US Citizens.

Cigna is accepting monthly payments, and deliberately defaulting on their contract, by not covering the services needed, it is called non-performance of a contract, and its Illegal. Our Legislators are Up-holding there ability to do so.

I believe that’s against the Constitution of the United States, to deny any citizen his or her rights to toil and endeavor and enter into contracts to do business. with the full expectation that he or she will and shall complete that said contract.

The Corporation, under law, stands as an Individual just as any Individual and thus has no special in-a liable right to privilege over another Citizen!

Cigna excepts payments for Insurance performance and thus must abide by law and provide coverage’s as determined by your Doctor. This fact is an established president of social norm and thus a point of accepted legal practice. One point that a Judge does consider in decision making.

It has been done this way for years and years. They, Cigna can not arbitrarily change their minds. There is legal precedent I believe.

Thus I think the Attorney General is Obligated to prosecute Cigna under law, for crimes against Citizens of the United States, by allowing alien non- citizens to determine points of a contract, that they did not enter into, Or are possibly not even allowed to make.

I believe this point also applies to Congressmen and Senators away from the body of the Senate and Congress as Individual citizens.

They are acting as Individuals who are knowingly administering the terms of a contract un-equally, and under law can not change or manipulate any contract between two parties, they are not involved with directly.

Thus hey are knowingly breaking the law, by tampering, aiding and abiding a Corporation to de-fraud US Citizens.

I paid some research money to a local Lawyer who was curious as to my reasoning, and he is looking this all up for me. I hope I can do something with this- I do not know

We all need to research ways to bring this to the courts and make this a disaster for these un-caring money grabbing politicians.

Our Rights are being taken away.

Jon in Nashville