Dear Friend,

I don't need to tell you that gas prices are high, but there is someone I do need to tell...

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

...and I need your help to do it.

Please mail me your gas receipts and a short note about what your family has had to sacrifice because of out-of-control prices at the pump. I'll bundle together all the receipts and stories I receive and send them to Senator Reid. Together, we will send a message to Washington and show Harry Reid that high gas prices are hurting Oklahomans.

Please mail your gas receipts by August 21 to:

Jim Inhofe
PO Box 13300
Oklahoma City, OK 73113

Harry Reid won't even allow debate on a single solution I've proposed with my colleagues. And now Congress is on a five week recess! I don't think he understands just how serious this is, but together we can show him.

In recent weeks, I have worked with other Congressional Republicans to bring down gas prices by expanding exploration of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), opening ANWR, developing America's oil shales, and expanding refining capacity.

Last month, I introduced the American Affordable Fuels Act of 2008 that includes these measures as well as the Drive America on Natural Gas Act, which would promote the use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) vehicles.

And just last week, I teamed up with Representative Dan Boren to introduce the Marginal Well Production Preservation and Enhancement Act, which ensures the nation's policies recognize and reflect the economic importance of marginal well production.

But none of these ideas are even being considered because the Democrat Senate leadership is standing in the way. Let's send them a message by sending in our gas receipts.

So, please, mail your gas receipts by August 21 to me at:

Jim Inhofe
PO Box 13300
Oklahoma City, OK 73113

Thank you,

Jim Inhofe