2013 Guns Sales Set New Record

Katie Pavlich | Jan 07, 2014

The FBI has released new statistics on NICS background checks showing 2013 gun sales hit a new record. The total number of background checks conducted for gun sales last year add up to 21,093,273, beating the previous 2012 record of 19,592,303 by 1,500,970. Texas conducted the most background checks with 1,633,278. Kentucky came is second with 1,578,331 background checks conducted.

These significant numbers came during a year when Democrats and the White House attempted multiple times to push through new gun control measures. In 2013, President Obama released a number of executive actions on gun control and wasted no time in 2014 doing the same. States that implemented more gun control measures in 2013 saw a spike in gun sales, especially in relation to population. Gun sales in Maryland doubled, going from 136,604 in 2012 to 231,361 in 2013. In 2012, Colorado conducted 414,838 checks, in 2013, there were 514,658. In Connecticut, 237,496 checks were conducted in 2012 and in 2013, 294,338 went through the system. Background checks in New York, home of the S.A.F.E. Act, also went up in 2013.

So who's buying these guns? According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation and NBC news, women are the fastest growing demographic of gun owners.

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President Obama is indeed the best gun salesman in U.S. history.
