Tire slasher strikes Humane Borders, Midtown neighborhood
By Alexis Huicochea
Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 08.11.2008
Approximately $3,500 in damage was caused after someone punctured 20 tires belonging to Humane Borders early Saturday.
All five of the vehicles were clearly marked as belonging to Humane Borders, but one vehicle that was nearby and not identifiable was left alone, according to Rev. Robin Hoover, president of the Tucson-based organization.
Because of that it appears that the group was targeted, Hoover said. However, at least 15 other vehicles in the surrounding area had their tires punctured as well, according to Officer Chuck Rydzak, a Tucson Police Department spokesman.
Humane Borders offers humanitarian assistance to illegal immigrants attempting to cross the desert by placing more than 70 emergency water stations on and near the border.
The incident was caught at 4:02 a.m. on a surveillance camera which showed one person who arrived on a bicycle and proceeded to puncture the tires in little more than one minute, Hoover said.
It appears that there was someone possibly in a vehicle, shining light on the vehicles for the bicyclist, Hoover said.
The organization is located at 740 E. Speedway Blvd., near the University of Arizona at Euclid Avenue.
Humane Borders has replaced the tires with brand new ones on all except for one vehicle, which was going to be sold, Hoover said.
They do have insurance on the vehicles that includes tire coverage and volunteers have already made contributions to off set the losses, Hoover said.
Tucson police did not have any suspect information, Rydzak said.
Contact reporter Alexis Huicochea at 573-4242 or ahuicochea@azstarnet.com.
