Race Wars, Obama's Re-election, TEA Party

American road kill – American rebirth - 2012

- Dr. Laurie Roth
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

America is perilously looking like a bleeding and dead body, crumpled on the side of the road. It’s blood drains far and wide, being noticed by passers by, countries and leaders. Some stop, trying to help but not knowing just what to do, while others watch from a far entertained by the shock and news of it all. The UN and Obama glory in it all.

I know how the dying and dead body looks and feels. It was the end of the summer, August 25th, 2005 that I crashed on my head on the road after a deer jumped on me while riding my motorcycle. It was bad. I was two minutes from death at the scene, my brain was slammed into my skull, almost every bone was crushed on my face, my lungs were rapidly filling up with blood and I was drowning at the scene. No one expected me ever to recover, certainly return to my national radio show. Well, as usual, even the twisted and broken up Laurie Roth had a mind of her own and wasn’t ready to die just yet. I had things to do and so does America. I had to wipe the blood off and walk forward so does America now. The American people and the world depend us.

What does the world see in the bloody display?

Some tremble, some are thrilled that the big boy, America is being forced down many notches, most of ‘the people’ here and abroad simply cry. Freedom and hope are being crushed.

I believe our country is led by a complete fraud and usurper, Obama. He has flipped off the people of America and mocked us again and again on almost too many fronts to count. After years of asking, begging, and even suing to see Obama’s long form birth certificate, he showed the nation on April 27th, a verified forgery and fraud. No one had a thing to say about it, running for the Presidential nomination or on conservative shows on TV or much of radio. I did. Of course chaos and name calling has been the plan. Confuse and distract the people while creating bad guys to blame for Obama’s obvious destruction and American transformation.

Obama has called the American people names from the beginning, then continuously lied about he and his staff doing it. Remember the leaked and now famous, MIAC report, which called us conservatives, pro lifers, pro second amendment folks, lovers of state and federal sovereignty and returning vets, potential domestic terrorists? As we all know the enemy list built and name calling evolved from terrorists to hostage takers, racists, birthers, and truthers. One of these Obama progressives last year called me ‘the antichrist’ for challenging the health care bill from hell. I said to him on air “that is Dr. antichrist to you.â€