Socially Engineering The Public For Martial Law

Published on Wednesday, June 18, 2008.

Source: Rogue Government - Lee Rogers

The terrorists in the federal government are continuing their push to have a fully functioning martial law apparatus. The city of Denver was recently invaded by a large number of military helicopters without any sort of warning given to the general public. It was originally speculated that this training exercise had something to do with the upcoming Democratic National Convention, but a spokesman with Special Operations said that it wasn’t related and that the exercises would last all week. It is interesting that this spokesman said it had nothing to do with the upcoming DNC. If that’s the case, than what is the real purpose of this exercise? They are selling this exercise as an anti-terror drill, but in reality it has nothing to do with stopping terrorism. The terror war has been proven to be a fraud time and time again so it certainly isn’t about fighting the terrorists. As painful as it is to say, the true purpose of the federal government flying military helicopters around Denver without any sort of notification to the public is part of a plan to socially engineer people to the reality of a militarized police state.

The Denver Daily News reported on this situation and asked why the public wasn’t informed in advance that these military helicopters would be flying around. The article is largely a white wash of the situation, but it is incredible how the local government spins this military exercise as something that will actually benefit the local community. Below is a statement from the local government on this urban warfare exercise.

“The federal agencies sponsoring the ongoing multi-agency training in Denver agreed to make the proper notifications regarding the exercises to prevent surprise and inconvenience to Denver residents. There seems to have been a misunderstanding about the reach and scope of these notifications, and they did not occur in the manner expected by the city.

“Although these exercises are in no way connected to the upcoming Democratic National Convention, Denver officials were well aware that there would be heightened sensitivity to an exercise such as this because of its proximity to the convention..

“Denver recognizes that these are our federal partners, and we are fortunate that they have chosen Denver for their training exercises. Should there ever be an emergency here that would require federal assistance, they will be familiar with our city and how best to navigate it.â€