Email from Bay Buchanan at Team America, 11/05/08

Dear Friend,

There's no getting around it; Yesterday's election was a heart breaker. Our hero Lou Barletta came within just a few points. Our efforts were not entirely ignored. The American Spectator wrote, "If Lou Barletta is elected, you can thank Bay Buchanan and Tom Tancredo's Team America PAC." We lost by the same narrow margin in our other independent expenditure race in Alabama where Parker Griffith narrowly defeated Wayne Parker Jr. I know it's a small consolation; but these were the two strongest for Republican takeovers in the entire House of Representatives other than Team America candidate Tom Rooney who defeated sex scandal plagued Tim Mahoney.

Despite these disappointments; there's still some good news. Our biggest victory came in Arizona where we defeated the phony "Stop Illegal Hiring Act" by 20 points. Before we ran our ads; ¾ of those polled said they would vote for the measure; but thanks to your support; the citizens of Arizona learned the truth; and defeated it in a landslide. Another ballot proposition to make English the official language passed in Missouri with 85% of the vote.

We also have some great fresh faces. In Florida, Tom Rooney took out incumbent Paul Mahoney. My old friend Tom McClintock who has been a leader for decades in the fight to secure our borders appears to have squeaked out a victory and will be bringing his fight to Congress (the results may be contested.) Duncan Hunter's son Duncan D. Hunter will takeover his father's seat, bringing with him the same dedication and principles. And we cannot forget that Jason Chaffetz who took out Chris Cannon in the primary-still our biggest victory to date. In the Senate; Jim Risch-who is as strong as Jeff Sessions-is taking over pro-amnesty Larry Craig's seat.

We also managed to save some of our heroes. We already helped Paul Broun and Walter Jones fend off big money primary challengers; and they held their own in the general election. Michelle Bachmann, Rob Wittman, and Virgil Goode staved off millions of dollars of attacks from National Democratic donors.

One thing is clear, this election was not a mandate for open borders. This was a rejection of the Bush presidency-including his support for amnesty. This is a real disappointment, but we cannot give up. We still have some great candidates in Louisiana whose election was delayed running in December; and we will fight for a pardon for Ramos in Compean. Then we will redouble our efforts in the next Congress.

We blocked Amnesty with an open borders president and a Democratic Congress in 2007; and we will be prepared to do so in 2009 and 2010; and then we'll take back Congress in the next election.