By J.B. Williams
November 4, 2010

When running down the laundry list of modern threats to freedom and liberty in America, atop that list is the corrupt and anti-constitution nature of today’s judicial branch. Without a genuine respect for the rule of law and reverence for the supreme law of this land inside the judicial branch, JFK is right – an absence of peaceful solutions will always result in violent revolution.

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." – Thomas Jefferson

It didn’t take long for Jefferson to recognize the one major flaw in the U.S. Constitution.

"At the establishment of our Constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions nevertheless become law by precedent, sapping by little and little the foundations of the Constitution and working its change by construction before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life if secured against all liability to account." --Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:486

Our founders entrusted the power to interpret the constitution and law to the 3rd branch, the judicial branch. At the time, the term “interpretâ€