Something is beginning to happen here. Last night watching C-Span, more people were calling in to support Paul then ever before. One guy from NH called in and actually said he now regretted that he voted for Huntsman. And today, my father was at the senior center and said two women came up to him and said they were now going to vote for Paul based on his N.H. speech last night. I'm hearing from other people across the country on another forum who are posting similar experiences with family and friends who were not yet sold on Dr. Paul.

Finally, people are waking up to his true conservative, limited governement/liberty message and not falling for the propaganda coming from the corporate controlled media.

After two contests the delegate count is as follows: Romney 12, Paul 10, Santorum 7, Huntsman 2, Gingrich 2, Perry 2. The number needed to win the nomination: 1144. Don't let the media fool you into believing that this race is anywhere even close to being over. There is a long way to go. That being said, there are only two candidates that have the money and the organization to compete in this marathon event: Romney and Paul. The lower tier candidates have failed to get on the ballot in key states as the race progresses beyond the early states.


Poll: Paul Tied With Obama, Most Electable Of GOP Candidates

A new poll indicates that GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul is statistically tied with Obama in a hypothetical head to head, making him the only Republican candidate other than Mitt Romney to be in such a position.

The poll, conducted by CBS News, has Paul at 45 percent and Obama at 46 percent, with the poll’s margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 percentage points.

Out of all the other candidates, only Mitt Romney challenges Obama within the margin of error. Romney scored 47 percent to Obama’s 45 percent.

Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, and Jon Huntsman are all defeated by Obama in the poll beyond or well beyond the error margin.

Obama leads Gingrich, 49 percent to 41 percent; Huntsman, 48 percent to 41 percent; Perry, 49 percent to 42 percent; and Santorum, R-Pa., 47 percent to 43 percent.

In addition, Ron Paul has a 7 point lead over over Obama among independents, with 47 percent to 40 percent, while Romney has a lesser 6 point lead among independents, 45 percent to 39 percent.

Obama wins the independent vote when pitted against all the other GOP competitors.

Ron Paul also fares marginally better than Mitt Romney against Obama where Democrat voters are concerned.
The poll once again demonstrates that Ron Paul is the most electable GOP candidate in that, unlike every other candidate, he can tap into more diverse voting groups, as well as maintaining a Republican base, and defeat Obama come the general election in November.

“We’ve called this contest a two-man race between Ron Paul and Mitt Romney, and this poll is further proof of that.” noted Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.”

It also demonstrates Ron Paul’s support among independents, an important voting segment within which our candidate is strong,” Benton added.



Poll: Ron Paul surges 5 points at national level

Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX), a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, can celebrate two victories Wednesday. Mr. Paul is tied with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich for 2nd place at the national level among Republicans and Independents, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Tuesday. Mr. Paul and Mr. Gingrich pulled in 17 percent of the votes each, while former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney garnered 29 percent of the votes.

The results of the Reuters/Ipsos poll were released prior to Mr. Paul’s 2nd place finish in the New Hampshire Primary. Whether Mr. Paul’s strong finish on Tuesday night will impact his standing in South Carolina or at the national level will be revealed in the coming days.

The results of the Reuters/Ipsos poll are a major victory for Mr. Paul, as the Texas congressman has jumped 5 percentage points since Ipsos Public Affairs last conducted a GOP poll between December 8th and December 12th. On the other hand, the results of the Reuters/Ipsos poll are somewhat troubling for Mr. Gingrich. The Georgia Republican’s support has dipped 8 percentage points among Republicans and Independents.
