The idea is to expand youth involvement in the political process, train young liberty-minded activists on the campaign trail in 2010

Year of Youth: Project 2012 to Save the Republic

By Tom Deweese
Friday, December 18, 2009

Over this past year it has been my privilege to work with some outstanding young people in the fight for freedom. Considering that most have come through a public school system that teaches them next to nothing about America’s unique liberties, it’s quite surprising to hear their passion for the Constitution and their ability to articulate it.

We need these young people to be active and effective in coming campaigns. Now there is a movement organizing to do just that. It’s called Year of Youth: Project 2012.

In American politics one seldom sees political movements which advocate limited government positions targeting the youth. Just as rare are movements that work from the ground up, focusing on local campaigns and allowing federal involvement to grow up from the local level. This is precisely what is being attempted in Year of Youth: Project 2012. The idea is to expand youth involvement in the political process, train young liberty-minded activists on the campaign trail in 2010, and then run hundreds of youth campaigns for local offices nationwide in 2012.

Year of Youth recognizes that America’s leaders from both parties have done nothing to halt the expansion of the federal government or the increase of the enormous national debt. With this in mind, the organization focuses on three core tenets: localism, individual liberty, and fiscal responsibility.

The idea of localism, of course, comes from the observation that “the closer a government is to its people, the better the people are represented.â€