Economy Debased by Lies, Fraud, and Bogus Statistics

An excerpt from Bob Chapman's weekly publication.

August 6 2011: Currency debasement just the cost of doing business, raising new capital with toxic waste, looting on Wall street, looting in Europe, the heart has been ripped out of the US economy, US Credit rating downgraded, facing the collapse of the western welfare state.

The entire concept of keeping the economy functioning is based upon US dollar debasement via the creation of excess money and credit, which is accompanied by departments of government and Wall Street. Once in the past 11 years in particular we have seen lies, fraud, bogus statistics and Mickey Mouse bookkeeping. For good measure the powers behind government have thrown in the gutting of America’s industrial base by outsourcing and offshoring. As an extra temporary measure the Fed has bailed out the financial sectors in the US and Europe and continues to bail out the US Treasury. Who cares about currency debasement because it’s a cost of doing business.

We just witnessed another piece of legislation to destroy Social Security, Medicare and to usurp the US Constitution’s power to govern America via a “star chamberâ€