Glenn Beck Slams Time, Praises Newsmax

Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:50 PM

By: David A. Patten

There they go again! Time magazine shows its liberal bias with another pejorative cover of one of the nation's leading conservative commentators. Glenn Beck is Time's latest victim, but he's striking back. He tells listeners, "Wait until you see me on Newsmax magazine's cover!"

Is the new issue of Time magazine another mainstream media hit job on Fox News host Glenn Beck?

The magazine's latest cover features Beck, whose TV show has been breaking records by attracting up to 3 million viewers a night, along with the headline: "Mad Man: Glenn Beck and the angry style of American politics."

During his nationally syndicated radio program Thursday, Beck addressed the Time cover story, calling it "fair."

But he added, "They talk about how I'm just, I'm fearful of everything and I'm just, I'm creating all of these fears and these worries, and I also, I'm almost conspiratorial in nature."

During the same program, Beck praised Newsmax magazine for its October edition, which also features the Fox News star on its cover. [Newsmax magazine’s special edition “Glenn Beck Wants You!â€