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  1. #1
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    Jun 2013

    Stop Obama from Creating a Nation of Dumbed Down Sheep

    Stop Obama from Creating a Nation of Dumbed Down Sheep
    Dear Proud American Citizen,

    The academic world has always leaned Left, much like the media. Stories continually come out of colleges and universities where conservative students who dared challenge their professors were heckled, insulted or even failed.
    It hasn’t always been a perfect world of balanced ideas in the classroom, but at least some room for differences of opinion had been maintained.
    ALL OF THAT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE. LIBERALS ARE COMING FOR OUR CHILDREN AND THE WHEELS ARE ALREADY IN MOTION…but it won’t just be our college-age children who are indoctrinated. Beginning in Kindergarten, the Left is about to get a choke hold on our kids.
    This is not isolated to “blue states” like New York and California—this is going on all over the United States upon a directive from Barack Obama and the U.S. Department of Education.
    Welcome to Common Core!
    Obama has sanctioned the new “global” program of education called “Common Core,” a United Nations-friendly curriculum that will put a nail in the coffin of American education (and America) if it is not stopped. He dangled money in front of states at the worst possible economic moment, bribing them to sign on to his “Race to the Top” program and essentially nationalizing American education into his one world order, Agenda 21-influenced worldview.
    What is all the fuss about?
    For starters, LOWER ACADEMIC STANDARDS. A Stanford professor says that Common Core will put American kids at least two years behind high-achieving countries in math. Kentucky did a Common Core pilot program and saw proficiency rates drop by 30 percent. Talk about “fuzzy math”: Consider this Common Core video that explains to teachers if a child comes to the conclusion that 3x4=11, it’s not necessarily WRONG, as long as that child can show you HOW they came up with that number and if the WAY makes any sense, the result is just not that important.
    It’s not that important? Right … because America is going to survive and thrive and nurture engineers and doctors and architects and entrepreneurs if we decide that 3x4 can be whatever we want it to be!
    But thriving is not what the Left is interested in anyway. How dare you go to school and learn and get a good job and EARN YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS when not everybody bothers to! Barack Obama and his socialist backers are going to restructure the United States so that everyone is told what their ability is and they will be working at a menial government job making menial government money and hoping someone else will pick up the slack for their insurance, their housing, and their freedoms. Today, Obama only pretends that there is class warfare.
    He is eventually going to fundamentally transform America into a nation of mediocrity. But hey, at least the corrupt elitists like George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore and other wealthy elitists with their private jets, will still have THEIR money. The rest of us will have their agenda forced upon us. Regular American’s will be doing with less and paying more for it!

    This is the definition of class warfare. A handful of dictators running Big Brother look down upon their subjects and decree what we may and may not have.

    STOP THE INDOCTRINATION OF OUR CHILDREN AND PROTECT OUR FUTURE…Fax Congress and tell them to fight tooth and nail at the federal level and in their districts to END COMMON CORE while there is still time!
    Kids are the first stop on the bus to changing America via Agenda 21. Get them young, get them hooked on government, get them tied into the massive state database, and then control all aspects of their lives.
    THIS IS QUITE SERIOUS. I know it sounds crazy and I wish it wasn’t true. Please pay attention to what the globalists are doing to our children.
    Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education says: Our goal for the coming year will be to work closely with global partners, including UNESCO.” You and I might argue that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has no business butting into the American education system. But liberals want to spread the sustainability agenda of the United Nations throughout the planet. They cannot do that without educating our children toward trusting government and thinking of themselves as the “looter” of the world! Social justice means equality. America has too much.
    The Haves and the Have Nots.
    YOUR KIDS ARE ABOUT TO BE INDOCTRINATED INTO THE UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL LAW. Liberals want to claim ownership of our children, and to that end, they need our children to welcome the State as adoptive parents. From Kindergarten through college, they will teach our kids that humans are the real enemy of the planet, Western civilization is bad, and if we are all one large, global, socialist society, with one law, peace will fall unto the land.
    Common Core spends 8 weeks on the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, at times teaching through Scientology videos, that everyone has a right to social security, a job, housing and to join a union. The curriculum spends much less time on U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. In fact, the Constitution is presented more as extra reading, without context and history of the Founders. The subjective nature of the curriculum is teaching students that the Constitution is a “living document” that must be changed to meet the times. The tell kids that it wasn’t meant for women or blacks. I stand here to tell you that the Constitution was so far ahead of its time, that people had to catch up to it!
    Another fun favorite of the Common Core agenda is to demonize the United States and its wealth. Common Core math uses percentages to discuss wealthy areas of the country versus poor and explains why being rich is unfair.
    Your kids will be reading far fewer classic novels and more “information” texts such as government documents and technical manuals. Maybe Barack’s “Dreams From My Father” will be required reading. Whatever they want to do, they can do, since the U.S. education system will now be controlled at the federal level.
    A history textbook ALREADY IN CLASSROOMS FOR SEVERAL YEARS spends pages upon pages on Islam without teaching about Christianity or Judaism. Any mentions of Christianity’s past reference “massacres,” while Islamic history teaches of “takeovers” and speaks of how welcoming members of society were to that religion when they, uh—TOOK OVER. And Jesus “proclaimed” himself the Messiah, but Muhammed “was” the prophet. Biased? Nah.
    Is this the future we want for our most precious resource—our children? Parents and teachers are being completely removed from the education process and the government is stepping in to take over. Fax Congress right this minute and tell them to STOP COMMON CORE before it destroys the American educational system!
    Secretary Duncan opines, “Traditionally, the federal government in the U.S. has had a limited role in education policy. The Obama administration has sought to fundamentally shift the federal role, so that the Department is doing much more…”
    Yes, Obama is doing MUCH more.
    Common Core downplays academics and focuses on attitudes, beliefs, diversity and behavior. And that, of course, leads us into the progressives’ view of sexuality and what THEY FEEL children must know, and when.
    One of the agencies responsible for testing is the American Institute for Research, or AIR. They are the largest behavioral and social science research organization, and are focused on CHANGING BEHAVIOR. AIR distributes LGBT propaganda to schools and believes not only in the sexualization of children, but in labeling and counseling those children at a very young age.
    Common Core talks about its high standards for students. Whose standards are we talking about here?
    By the end of 2nd grade, “students should be able to identify different kinds of family structures.” It goes on to say that students should understand how and be able to demonstrate respect for different family structures.

    By the end of 5th grade, “students should be able to define sexual orientation as the romantic attraction of an individual to someone of the same gender or different gender.” This is the standard!
    The documents state in black and white what will be taught: "Students need opportunities to engage in cooperative and active learning strategies, and sufficient time must be allocated for students to practice skills relating to sexuality education." WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
    Common Core absolutely erases any room for parents to decide when and what to tell their kids about sexuality. And it eliminates the need for outstanding teachers to challenge students and tailor lessons to individual classrooms, because the government will tell teachers what to teach.

    For all its emphasis on “diversity” and “sensitivity” training, Common Core offers none. Common Core assures us that ALL teachers will teach the same curriculum and ALL STUDENTS will dutifully learn it, regardless of their individual needs. But really it doesn’t matter, because kids who don’t do well in school shouldn’t be penalized and there should no longer be any awards or grades. The Left hates it when someone does well and others don’t measure up—they don’t want anyone to feel bad about themselves.
    This program will eliminate the opportunity for success from an early age and dumb us all down to the lowest common denominator.
    That’s okay, you say. You’ll just take your kid out of public school. It won’t matter.
    Common Core requires that the government keep a massive electronic file/database on our kids called inBloom. It tracks our children on 400 attributes: name, address, social security number, blood type, hair color, weight, test scores, nicknames, religion, attitudes, parents income level, medical history, psychological evaluations, bus stop times and parents political affiliation, and more. If you are in a private school, they will be required to submit to this database. And if you are home-schooled, good luck finding a textbook that doesn’t incorporate the Common Core curriculum.

    Think I’m taking this too far, this is conjecture, you say? Well, in fact, the U.S. Department of Justice and Eric Holder denied asylum to a German family asking for protection in America because it is illegal to home-school in Germany and the family fled under threat of prison and their children taken away and forced into public schools!
    Eric Holder denied their asylum saying, HOME-SCHOOLING IS NOT A RIGHT!
    That was the Obama administration’s argument in a federal court against the evangelical Christian family.
    The ACT and SAT testing is already being changed to match up to Common Core, so there really is no way to get around it. Common Core accredited degrees will be required to get into college.
    Unless you help us stop it right now, or move out of the United States. I don’t know about you but I love my Country, it’s just the power of the government that I am afraid of right now!
    A teacher sent Glenn Beck a “poem” students were encouraged to recite praising the benefits of Common Core. Propaganda! What is next? Pledging allegiance to Our Dear Leader Obama, or perhaps to Planet Earth? Don’t laugh—progressives are pretty much capable of anything. Indeed, children were already singing the Obama praise song before he was elected. Haven’t heard it yet? mmm mmm mmm Barack Hussein Obama!
    “He said red, yellow, black or white
    All are equal in his sight -
    Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama”

    This is what is going to happen: your child or grandchild is going to come home with all kinds of nonsense relating to liberal math, or global warming, or sexuality, etc. You are going to be outraged and eventually storm the school with other concerned parents. But at that point, you’re going to be too late. These textbooks will already be in the classrooms, your child will already have been exposed to all these ideas and they will continue to be while you and other intelligent Americans go on the defense to get Common Core out of the classroom.
    We are asking you to help us STOP COMMON CORE NOW, BEFORE IT TAKES ROOT.
    Keep the DRUMS GOING!
    You may think we are crazy, but we ask you to look into this program, do your own research, pay attention to what is happening. This is how it starts: the Left plants a seed at a time that eventually grows into something so large and so powerful it is impossible to stop. And they have us wondering how we got here?
    This curriculum was developed behind closed doors and there are no meeting notes. Although they say it will be internationally benchmarked, there is no other country in the world that anyone can point to with a Common Core curriculum. No one can say what our kids will be tested on. No one can point to any success for something like this because Common Core is an experiment. The children of the United States are now guinea pigs for the progressive global agenda.
    “The empirical evidence suggests that the Common Core will have little effect on American students' achievement." -- Brookings Institution
    "Common Core's standards not only present a serious threat to state and local education authority, but also put academic quality at risk." -- Heritage Foundation Issue Brief, by University of Arkansas Education Reform Professor Sandra Stotsky
    Don’t let Obama and the United Nations do this to our children and to our nation. Obama wants to get every child in America on the same page, at the same level, in the same way, and he wants to have them beholden to the State for the rest of their lives.
    Stop Common Core before it is too late. You and I are the only hope. Speak up now and protect the future and the sovereignty of the United States of America.

    Conservative Daily
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    Make sure your friends read this too...we need every voice we can get to change the status quo in Washington! Forward this to a friend »
    Last edited by kathyet2; 08-18-2013 at 12:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Obama biography is required reading for these fourth-graders

    By Watchdog Staff / November 22, 2013 /

    By Eric Owens | The Daily Caller

    Some parents in Dupo, Ill. are not happy that a biography of President Barack Obama is required reading for fourth-graders. They say the book contains a host of controversial elements, not least of which is that it casts white Americans who disagree with Obama’s politics as racist.

    Fourth-grade students at Bluffview Elementary School were instructed that they would be tested and graded on the book’s contents, reports

    The book, called simply “Barack Obama,” is published by Lerner Publications. The author, Jane Sutcliffe, appears to specialize in these kinds of biographies. She has written similar titles about Jesse Owens, Ronald Reagan, Sacagawea and Milton Hershey.
    The kerfuffle about the book originally bubbled up through a Facebook page called Moms Against Duncan (MAD). The group actively opposes implementation of the Common Core curriculum.

    Read more at The Daily Caller.

    Speak up, or Shut up. Believe it or not your teaching your children to be lead to the slaughter by these wolves called educators....Wake up..Let them know you won't stand for this indoctrination of your children.....Home school your children before it is too late or the very least reinforce their education with some home schooling that they do not provide on your own time!!!!

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Newmexican's Avatar
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    Heart of Dixie
    This was given to 6th graders at Milam elementary in Tupelo, MS. They were told to not speak about it outside of class and to not take it home. The student snuck it home because they knew their parents would want to see it.

  4. #4
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    Jun 2013
    Extremely Pissed off RIGHT Wingers 2

    SHARPTON IS A RACIST PILE OF GARBAGE ~D DOG JR~ Extremely Pissed off RIGHT Wingers 2

  5. #5

  6. #6
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    Jun 2013
    Ohio Lawmakers Want Social Workers to Have Veto Power Over Decision to Homeschool

    Parents would have to submit to background checks and interrogations.

    Paula Bolyard


    December 18, 2013 - 5:00 am

    If a bill introduced by four Democrats in the Ohio Senate last week becomes law, it would be the most radical homeschooling law in the country, stripping parents of their constitutionally guaranteed right to direct the education of their children and requiring interrogations by social workers before homeschooling is permitted. Home School Legal Defense Association’s Michael Donnelly said SB 248 is “breathtakingly onerous in its scope” and called it the “worst-ever” homeschool law that has been proposed.

    Sponsored by Capri Cafaro (D-Hubbard), SB 248 — Teddy’s Law — was proffered in reaction to the very tragic death of Teddy Foltz-Tedesco in January 2013. Teddy and his 10-year-old twin brothers were abused by Zaryl Bush for at least five years while the boys’ mother, Shain Widdersheim, stood by and allowed the torture and beatings to continue. Teddy ultimately died from a severe beating by Bush, who was sentenced to 33 years to life for the murder while the mother received a sentence of 15 years for allowing the abuse.

    Widdersheim had withdrawn the boys from school — allegedly teaching them at home — after teachers began to suspect abuse. Relatives and neighbors say they reported the abuse to the children services board (CSB) on repeated occasion but were rebuffed. Widdersheim’s sister was one of them. “We called, multiple times we did,” she said, sobbing. “They wouldn’t do anything. They told us we were lying.”

    Sen. Cafaro said her bill would protect children like Teddy. ”The objective there is to make sure the child services agency has all the information on that family that is looking to home school that child and then they refer that ‘Yay’ or ‘Nay’ should this child be educated at home, and they pass that along to the superintendent of schools and the process goes from there,” said Cafaro.

    The proposed law would require parents desiring to homeschool or enroll their children in an online school (public or private) to pass a background check. [For the sake of simplicity I will use the term "homeschooling" to refer to both homeschooling and e-schooling as they both have the same requirements under this bill.] A finding that a parent or anyone else in the home had “a record or report of any investigation at any time” could result in denial of the right to homeschool. Note that the standard is not guilt, merely a “record or report of an investigation.” This could be from a vindictive ex-wife, a busybody neighbor who is concerned about seeing children in the yard during school hours, or simply someone at the grocery store who doesn’t approve of the way you scolded your irritable child.

    In addition to the background check, the parent requesting “permission” to homeschool must submit to an interrogation interview by a “public children services agency.” The law would require children to be interviewed separately from their parents. Based upon the interview, the request for permission to homeschool could be denied if the social worker decides that home education would not be “in the best interest of the child.” According to, the “best interest” standard is a severe departure from American law. ”[E]xcept in cases where a parent has been proven to be “unfit,” American law presumes that the parent is acting in the best interests of the child, and defers to that parent’s decision.”

    If parents (and children) manage to pass the background check and the initial interrogation, they will still need to pass two additional “interviews” during the school year until they can go four straight years without arousing the suspicions of social workers before they are free from the intrusive investigations.

    In addition to the interrogations and the background checks, anyone in the home who pings the statewide automated child welfare information system must submit to an intervention program. The intervention would include behavioral counseling sessions and classes on “parenting, decision-making, personal or household finance, and homeschooling.” Oh, and also, “any other services the department and the state board determine to be necessary for the success of the program.” Participants will be assessed to “determine successful completion of the program.”

    That should effectively counteract most of that right-wing brainwashing.

    Ohio first adopted homeschooling regulations in 1989 to “to safeguard the primary right of parents to provide the education for their child(ren).” Rather than asking for permission to homeschool, Ohio parents “notify” the superintendent of their “intent” to education their children at home. It’s a very important distinction and one that SB 248 flagrantly violates.

    SB 248 is built on the faulty presumption that homeschooling parents are guilty until proven innocent of child abuse and that surveilling these families will prevent the abuse. Of course, I want all child abusers caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law, but this new law is not the answer to heart-wrenching cases like the terrible abuse of Teddy Foltz-Tedesco and his brothers. SB 248 would not have prevented the failures of the children services board that ignored repeated pleas for help from neighbors, teachers, and family members. A three year study by the National Center on Child Abuse Prevention Research (NCCAPR) found that like Teddy, 39% of children who died from maltreatment had previously been involved with or were known to child protective services. In the case of Teddy Foltz-Tedosco, authorities did not enforce the laws already in place that could have protected him. This was not a homeschooling problem, it was a crime against a child that was ignored by the people who had the power to stop it. New laws will not prevent abuse when the laws already on the books are not being enforced. And certainly, adding more than 100,000 children to the case loads of already overburdened government social workers will exacerbate the problem of children who are genuinely being abused falling through the cracks.

    The logic — if you can call it that — behind this law seems to be that parents cannot be trusted with their own children. Unless they are under the watchful eye of state officials, children face great peril and so there must be new laws enacted in order to mitigate the risk. This ignores the fact, of course, that children from birth to age six are the most likely to die from child abuse — they account for 76% of fatalities. Will the next step be to subject all parents to interrogations by social workers from birth until the time they enroll their children in the safe bubble of the public school? And why stop there? After all, many children are abused at home and become experts at hiding and excusing the bumps and bruises. Shouldn’t we hire armies of government agents to keep an eye on what’s going on in the home after school? Not only that, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, violent victimization rates at school were 34 per 1,000 students ages 12–14 and 14 per 1,000 students ages 15–18. Shouldn’t the government just require semi-annual interrogations of all students to solve the school violence problem? You can see the absurdity of this logic.

    Once Cafaro’s bill is assigned to a committee it will receive at least one hearing and will likely not proceed beyond that point. Already, Cafaro and the bill’s other sponsors have been inundated with calls and emails demanding that they withdraw it. Cafaro felt so much heat that she posted a letter on her Facebook page trying to explain her reasons for introducing the bill — and promptly received a hundred comments, all of them against it.

    The concern really isn’t that this bill will become law — barring a major shift in the Republican General Assembly in Ohio, it won’t. The cause for alarm comes when a bill like this reveals the plans the Left has for our children and for our country. Capri Cafaro, who was a participant in the Clinton Global Initiative, really buys into the “it takes a village to raise a child” doctrine and wants to make sure the state has its hooks in our children. Cafaro and her compatriots realize that every homeschooled child has enormous potential to escape the brainwashed group-think that is so prevalent in our society. If they must brand homeschooling parents as child abusers in order to further their progressive goals, we already know that in their minds, the ends justify the means. They cannot afford to let 110,000 Ohio children slip from their grasp and they will take extraordinary measures to find a way to criminalize behavior that doesn’t conform to their vision.
    Last edited by kathyet2; 12-19-2013 at 01:09 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Last Updated: December 19, 2013
    Senate Bill 248: Require Children's Services Review for Homeschooling

    Senator Cafaro, Senator Brown, Senator Turner, Senator Schiavoni
    UPDATE 12/19/13: Senate Bill 248 was withdrawn by the sponsor on December 19, 2013.
    Senate Bill (SB) 248 was introduced on December 3, 2013, and would require children’s services to review all homeschool notices to determine whether homeschooling is “in the best interest of the child.” Under this proposed legislation, children’s services would be required to meet with parents who choose to homeschool and conduct separate in-person interviews with each of their children. Children’s services would then make a recommendation for or against the excuse from compulsory school attendance.
    Children’s services would automatically be required to recommend against homeschooling if they determine it is not in the child’s “best interest” or if the family has any record of a child welfare investigation, regardless of the result of that investigation. If there is a recommendation against homeschooling, the superintendent would be ordered to delay excusing the children for homeschooling until the family participates in a CPS parenting “intervention.”
    The effect of the bill would require children’s services to divert time and resources away from true child abuse investigations in order to review homeschool plans which they are neither prepared nor qualified to evaluate.
    This bill is breathtaking in its attempt to impose unreasonable government intrusion on Ohio families. In responding to this ill-advised legislation, however, it is important to keep in mind the background that has led to this bill.

    HSLDA's Position:
    Action Requested:
    None at this time
    12/3/2013 (Senate) Introduced in Senate
    12/19/2013 (Senate) Withdrawn by sponsor

    The bill is being called “Teddy’s Law.” It was drafted as a way to respond to the death of 14-year-old Teddy Foltz-Tedesco in January 2013. News reports indicate that Teddy had been abused for years by his mother’s boyfriend, Zaryl Bush and after teachers reported abuse to authorities Teddy’s mother withdrew him from public school, allegedly to homeschool him. Reports tell a sad story of a broken home where neighbors, friends, family, police, teachers and others knew Teddy was being abused for years. Finally, Bush beat Teddy so severely that he later died of his injuries. Both Bush and Teddy’s mother are now in prison. A news report can be found online.
    HSLDA condemns child abuse and is saddened by Teddy’s death. (For more information on responding to child abuse, click here.) HSLDA supports the prosecution of child abusers like Bush and the improvement of systems that prevent child abuse. However, this proposed law does not actually address the problems that led to Teddy’s death.
    Teddy Foltz-Tedesco was killed because those responsible for protecting him did not step in as the law or common sense would have dictated. Why? Although news reports indicate that abuse had been reported for years prior to Teddy’s death, it does not appear that any serious intervention was made by government authorities charged with investigating such allegations. Why was not enough done to protect this child from known abuse?
    Teddy’s abuse was well known. Even if, as SB 248 would require, his mother had sought social service’s approval to homeschool and was denied, he still would have been at home subject to abuse after school. Regardless of where he went to school, Teddy was left by authorities in a home where they knew abuse was occurring.
    Clearly, SB 248 would not have saved Teddy.
    SB 248 turns fundamental American values upside down. Parents have been deemed by the United States Supreme Court in Parham v. JR to act in their children’s best interests. In Pierce v. Society of Sisters, the Court ruled that parents have a fundamental right to direct the education of their children. This law replaces parents with unqualified social workers to make educational decisions for children.
    What happened to Teddy Foltz-Tedesco is a tragedy that could have been prevented. If those responsible for investigating child abuse had done their job, Teddy might have been saved. The system needs reform, but Senate Bill 248 will increase the load on social workers by requiring them to investigate all families who want to homeschool rather than focusing resources on parents actually suspected of child abuse. This bill is misguided and a step in the wrong direction.

    Other Resources
    Bill Text
    Bill History
    Letter to President Faber Requesting Withdrawal of SB 248

    Senator Cafaro's Withdrawal Statement

    Letter to Senator Jones Requesting Field Hearings on Child Abuse Issue

    What does it take to wake people up!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Victory! Your phone calls and emails have convinced Senator Cafaro to ask that SB 248 be suspended and withdrawn. You can read her letter to have it withdrawn here:

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