God Bless Ron Paul! While the rest of Congress is giving our money away, Ron Paul has introduced 6 new bills that would actually help Americans. I didn't read all of them but I'm sure the first will capture everyone's attention:

6. Introducing the Social Security for American Citizens Only Act Ron Paul Speech to Congress, January 6, 2009

7. Introducing the Seniors' Health Care Freedom Act Ron Paul Speech to Congress, January 6, 2009

8. Introducing the Identity Theft Prevention Act Ron Paul Speech to Congress, January 6, 2009

9. Introducing the Prescription Drug Affordability Act Ron Paul Speech to Congress, January 6, 2009

10. Introducing the Social Security Beneficiary Tax Reduction Act... Ron Paul Speech to Congress, January 6, 2009

11. Introducing the Social Security Preservation Act Ron Paul Speech to Congress, January 6, 2009