Joseph Farah of World Net Daily is speaking now. He was described as a Tea Party person before there was a Tea Party.

His dream is that if Obama seeks re-election that he will be asked at every stop, "Where is the Birth Certificate?" He is bringing up Mr. Obama talking about his citizenship at the prayer breakfast.

Does the Constitution mean what it says? Mr. Farah asks.

Can Congress demand that Americans buy medical insurance?

Do we have a right to bear arms, or not?

What is wrong with being obsessed about upholding the Constitution?

The Constitution is the glue that holds us together.

He is proclaiming that he is a Christian, he trust in Jesus Christ as his Saviour.

He is teaching a lesson for Mr. Obama. He is discussing the eligibility of Jesus, as King of Kings, and the proof that was given. He brings it back to the birth certificate.

We are in trouble in America. We are losing our broke, dispirited, scared.

He mentions his book, Taking America Back. He has written 13 books.

The people there, at the Tea Party, are the silver lining.

Freedom, morality, justice. Why the sudden wake up call. Using the frog in the boiling pot analogy. The frog becomes immobilized. We have been the frog in the pot, moving toward socialism, away from God, not realizing that it has been killing us.

Turning back on sacrifices of forefathers.

Psalm 91