Ted Kennedy Sought Prostitutes, Communists During 1961 Visit To Latin America, Watchdog Group Claims

March 1, 2011
by Personal Liberty News Desk

The late Ted Kennedy allegedly made arrangements to rent a brothel for a night while visiting Latin America in 1961, according to documents released by the nonpartisan public interest group Judicial Watch.

In June 2010, Judicial Watch filed a claim requesting full disclosure of a 1961 State Department memo after it had discovered that the FBI redacted most of the original information. The organization, which specializes in uncovering government corruption, pursued the rights granted by the Freedom of Information Act and relentlessly requested that the redactions be removed.

In the uncensored version of the report, Judicial Watch found that Kennedy — who was the Assistant District Attorney of Suffolk County Massachusetts in 1961 — allegedly made plans to rent an entire house of prostitutes in Santiago, Chile. Kennedy, who died in August of 2009, was a Massachusetts Senator for 47 years and brother of former President John F. Kennedy.

Furthermore, the documents claimed that during his 1961 trip, Ted Kennedy — whose brother was the President at the time of his visit — requested to meet with communists and other Latin Americans who had left-wing views.

"Our tough fight with the Obama administration shows that it was not keen on letting the American people know that Ted Kennedy, one of Obama’s leftist politician heroes, liked to hang out with communists and prostitutes,â€