At official Occupy Wall St. media site: ... -pain-1410

Forgive me for being cynical about Washington, the major parties, or anything to do with them right now. Obama just gave a shout-out to the Occupy Wall Street protesters, saying:
"I think people are frustrated, and the protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works,"
Excuse me, but that's like tossing a match at a house full of kerosene and then saying how much you sympathize with the fire department. The way "our financial system works" is exactly the way people like O'Bailout made it work.

It's not the $700 billion TARP bailout which Barack supported, going as far as issuing a joint statement on September 24, 2008 with John McCain, the Republican nominee, before the vote warning: "The effort to protect the American economy must not fail."

The Barack and John Show said:
Now is a time to come together – Democrats and Republicans – in a spirit of cooperation for the sake of the American people.
Well sir, when politicians start talking like that I start feeling for my wallet and checking that my watch is still on my wrist.

It's not the GM bailout in which Barack O'Bailout stuck us with 3/5 ownership of a car with sawdust in its transmission. Like any good salesman Barack stuck to his guns that we got a good deal, saying before an auto industry group in November of 2010:
[quote]“You remember the voices arguing for us to do nothing...We made the decision to stand behind the auto industry. Today we know that was the right decision.â€