I haven't posted here in a long time. Even though I support the fight against illegal immigration, I am what many members here call a socialist. Thanks to propaganda media, people like myself have been demonized. I am here to explain why OWS is important to all of us.

A few years ago, us Ron Paul supporters were tired of all the government BS. This is why WE created the Tea Party. The next thing we know, OUR movement was hijacked by FOX "news" and all of a sudden what we fought for was gone. Rupert Murdoch (who owns FOX) was successful in his propaganda campaign to make sure that OUR Tea Party was taken over by neo-cons, who we were fighting. The Koch Brothers, who funded the neo-con version of the Tea Party convined "conservatives" to protest in favor of the NWO.

Now, I am going to guess that the majority of ALIPAC members identify themselves as Christian. The book of Matthew teaches us about Jesus and his fight against the greedy, ungodly people that ruled in his time. In his time, this was the 1%. Jesus taught us that the MEEK shall inherit the Earth, not the wealthy that CAUSED this problem to begin with.

The TRUTH is that BOTH parties' ungodly greed put us in this mess. Republicans started it with Regan and his servitude to Wall Street and amnesty to law breakers. It continued with Clinton and NAFTA, and it was finished by Bush and his cronies through the removal of the regulations that were pertinent to a stable economy.

With that being said, as a graduate of a Christian school, what are you people doing? My pastor said back in 1992 that "The Antichrist will claim to be a Christian, so beware." Here we are in 2011, and people that call themselves Christians keep voting for the candidates that call themselves "Christian" yet actually DO ungodly things. These people have actually convinced you that ungodly acts are godly, and godly acts are ungodly.

If i'm wrong, how is it that you "christians" are supporting the 1%, whose un-CHRISTlike behavior put us in this mess? Would Jesus support the Rupert Murdochs, Steve Jobs, etc if he were alive? OF COURSE NOT! To those of you rapture christians, don't you understand that if the rapture happens, you are SCREWED because you REFUSE Jesus and his teachings? You SUPPORT ungodliness!!

Now here we are. The result of the two party system has come to fruition. FOX "news" likes to portray us OWS protesters as communist democrats. That is a LIE! ALL of us KNOW that both parties are to blame. We are not protesting capitalism, but the unfair shift of the burden to us poor folk from the people that CAN afford it. Let me ask you this. The republicans have said for 30 YEARS that giving the rich more money would produce more jobs. Has that happened? NOPE! They hoarded it like the ungodly animals they are. The dems created NAFTA and sent our jobs overseas, as well as voted for AND created bills that gave their donors an unfair advantage.

You need to understand that despite what your neo-con media says, we are fighting corruption on BOTH levels. This is NOT a dem vs repub issue! This is an AMERICAN issue. MSM has done very well in feeding lies about the movement in order to keep the country divided.

My brothers and sisters, we are AMERICANS. We are not dem or repub. It is NOT a team sport! This is OUR lives here, and BOTH parties are responsible! Despite what you read from MSM, we are NOT funded by socialists etc. Those are lies in order to protect the status quo. Now is not the time to be divided! It is time NOW to understand that we have to stand together.

As "christians" surely you understand what Jesus taught, and you'd know that you support the very people you were warned against. SCREW our ENTIRE government, and SCREW the wealthy that gave our jobs to illegals etc to hoard more money they don't need!!

Do NOT let the MSM fool you any longer!! I AM a LIBERAL, not a communist. Despite our differences, I stand with YOU. We are AMERICANS, not dems and repubs. It is time to end this BS now! Stand with us! THAT'S what Jesus would do!!