Things to fear in Obama presidency
Published: 9/13/2008 12:08 AM

This is why I fear an Obama presidency.

1. He has the most liberal voting record in the Senate in his first two years and in Illinois he was a very liberal state legislator.

2. He will grow the federal government by putting it in charge, directly or indirectly, of everything he perceives has something wrong and ignore remedies that are limited to just fixing the problem.

3. He will increase taxes for just about everyone and everything.

4. He has a very liberal voting record on abortion and is against all pro-life issues.

5. He is against just about everything that we need to strengthen our national security. He would remove troops from Iraq prematurely, resort to talking to the leader of Iran, leave our borders porous to illegal immigration, join our European "friends" in just talking tough to Russia, etc.

6. He will make it easier for the trial lawyers to sue corporate America and others and raise the cost of just about everything we buy to pay a very few, mostly lawyers.

7. He will lead the federal government in taking over the nation's health care industry with his version of universal health care.

8. He will favor unions leaders getting "open balloting" for union elections and other pro-union issues that do not help the rank and file.

9. He will put liberal judges on the supreme and other courts and they will continue to legislate from the bench instead of opining on existing laws and the constitution.

10. He will favor the movement toward secularization and even atheism.

11. His main counselors over the years have included the likes of Rev. Jeremy Wright, William Ayers, Father Pfleger, Tony Rezko, etc.

12. He lacks experience in either running anything or serving long enough to understand how things work.

13. He is a very good speaker, but avoids substance because he tries to either be on both sides of, or appear to be leaning toward the conservative side, of many issues.

Roland G. Ley
Arlington Heights, Illinois