Former Harvard Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl of Czech Republic on UN’s Christiana Figueres lauding of China & Criticism of U.S.: ‘The totalitarian system rocks while democracy sucks!’

Motl: 'The actual goal of the climatism is to liquidate democracy, freedom, and prosperity in the world.' - 'Figueres' totalitarian advertisements are indefensible by the struggle to reduce the CO2 emissions because China's CO2 emissions were actually growing significantly more quickly than America's emissions in recent years – and China overtook the U.S. as the world's #1 producer of CO2 six years ago or so'

'The goal of these "people" is to stop democracy, freedom, and prosperity regardless of the fate of Nature, the temperatures, or the CO2 concentrations...Just to be sure, comrade Figueres, the "slow" negotiations in the U.S. Congress – known as democracy – are not detrimental at all. They are what keeps the society decent, what allows it to search and find a better solution among at least two, and what protects the society against power-thirsty individuals like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and yourself. The well-being of America is one of the arguments supporting the view that freedom and democracy are precious values that must be defended against false values and pseudosciences such as eugenics, Lysenkoism, the cultural revolution, and climate alarmism.'