Government has lost all allegiance to the foundation of liberty and only seeks absolute power

America Wasn’t Created, So That Other Countries Would Like Us!

By Ron Ewart
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Maybe, one day, the human inhabitants of planet Earth will be one people under one government, but that model will not work in today’s stark cultural, political, religious and geographical realities. For now, every country must operate from its own self interests, the vigorous protection of its own borders and the preservation of its own political, cultural and geographical sovereignty.

If it does not do so, it most likely will trigger that country’s eventual cultural, historical, economic and geographical demise, with a distinct possibility of being conquered by a stronger power. The issues of sovereignty have absolutely nothing to do with other countries liking their neighbors, or the planet’s super powers.

Even worse, a country cannot withstand wide cultural, language, religious and political divides from within. The wider the divides, the greater the chance for rising anger and frustration, which will lead to separation, segregation and conflict and could eventually lead to civil war. That cultural divide in America, is never more apparent than it is today, much of it forced upon us by a government who has lost all allegiance to the foundation of liberty and only seeks absolute power.

America was not created for other countries to like us. It was created as a haven for individual freedom and the pursuit of happiness by and through the rewards of individual achievement, in a political climate unfettered by an aggressive or oppressive government. As a result of that freedom, America has become one of the most powerful, industrious, creative and most generous countries, among all other nations on Earth.

But envy is an insidious motivator for those countries who have not achieved what America has achieved. Envy and fear drive other nations to tear down and vilify America, especially if there is a vehicle or an entity they can use to do the tearing. The United Nations, an assemblage of almost 200 corrupt countries who dwell in the armpit of oppression, intimidation and fear, would sell their souls to force America to give up her pride, her achievements, her wealth, her resources, her power, her sovereignty and her freedom. If America capitulates to the dictates of United Nations despots, which it appears it has been doing for the last 50 to 100 years, it can kiss all of that which freedom has created, goodbye.

Last night on CBS’s 60 Minutes, a group of Africans were praising America for its financial help in fighting the African HIV virus. Millions of African lives have been saved as a result of American generosity. This financial help was in many billions of dollars that came from the hard work and production of the American people. They damn well should be grateful because no other nation steps up to world problems as does America. And even as we step up, the receivers demand even more, saying it is our fair share as recompense for their suffering and the inability of peoples all around this Earth who seem incapable of handling their own problems. Where would the peoples of this Earth be, without the generosity of the American people? Where indeed!

So, it is of little consequence that other countries like us or not. What is of consequence however, is the preservation of American freedom and geographical sovereignty, so that Americans and American freedom can continue to help those who refuse, or can’t, help themselves. Perhaps instead of helping them with direct outlays of money, we should show them the way to freedom, so that they can then help themselves, as America has done. It would be much less expensive in the long run.

Ladies and gentlemen, America was not created so that other countries would like us. It was created as a haven of freedom. The power, the wealth, the industriousness, the creativity, the generosity and the geographical sovereignty of America that came from that creation, is the last great hope for a world that would go mad, if America was not there to show others the way, or to stop the empirical ambitions of rogue governments. If American freedom and sovereignty should evaporate, the world will fall into the deadly grip of chaos. Socialist, communist, Islamic countries and dictators will fight amongst themselves in their mad race to divide up the planet’s spoils, that America’s presence prevented them from doing. In such event, Armageddon could very well descend upon all the human occupants of this third planet from the Sun.

But let’s get back to the domestic front. We believe that any and all acts by the legislative and executive branches of government, those who wear judicial robes and those who occupy the thousands of bureaucracies in our American government, that work covertly or openly against individual freedom, ignore constitutional limits on power, or apologize for America to the rest of the world, are traitors to the cause of liberty and treasonous dismantlers of American culture, freedom and sovereignty. Five hundred years ago, the punishment for their treachery would have been the gallows, the guillotine, the firing squad, or burned at the stake. But today, we are much more civilized. Instead of punishing the perpetrators, we promote or re-elect them.

Government’s nationalizing the American Health Care industry, banks and other businesses; forcing CO2 emission limits on American citizens and business through cap and trade legislation; granting amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens who have broken our laws and raid our safety nets; radicalizing our public schools with social, environmental and global brainwashing; showing embarrassing weakness in the face of our determined enemies; and gaining absolute power over our domestic energy, water, food and natural resources, are treasonous acts of an out-of-control, arrogant and oppressive government. Each act flies in the face of the principles of liberty, perpetrated by traitors in our midst. If allowed to stand, American freedom and liberty will die. There is no question.

If America dies, the goodness and generosity that were spawned from the birth of freedom on a new continent 234 years ago, will be replaced with the evil and violence that comes from government oppression and aggression. It could be another 200 or 300 years before the seed of individual freedom germinates in the minds of the oppressed, to the point that they will pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to secure freedom by whatever means, or by whatever sacrifice.

If the American people are wise and brave enough, as they once were in a gone by era, they will not let freedom slip from their grasp. We believe, that in the final analysis, the American people will not let this and future generations down by forsaking that which so many paid the ultimate price in its defense. Enter, stage right, the tea party movement and the rising voices of the multitudes shouting once again, out of the pages of history, “... give me liberty, or give me death!â€