House Republicans Advance Resolution To Block FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules

April 7, 2011
by Personal Liberty News Desk

President Barack Obama has pledged to veto a Republican-backed bill that would block new Internet regulations approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Obama's stance has not deterred House Republicans, who on April 5 approved the terms of a measure that would invalidate the FCC's "net neutrality rules," which were approved last December. The rules aim to prohibit phone and cable companies from abusing their control over broadband connections, FOX News reported.

Critics of the FCC regulations, including the 241 Republicans who support the legislation, have warned that the government should not exert its power over the Internet.

"The Internet is open and thriving and creating jobs because of the hands-off approach the government has taken to date," said Representative Greg Walden, (R-Ore.), quoted by the media outlet. "The resolution of disapproval will nullify the FCC's launch of a government takeover of the Internet and restore certainty to the marketplace."

Democrats have argued that the FCC's policies would ensure a "free" and "open" online marketplace by preventing companies from discriminating against rival content and services.

Conservative group Big Government recently published the names and contact information of 13 House Democrats whose constituents strongly oppose net neutrality. The organization strongly urged readers to contact these lawmakers and advocate for the GOP-backed resolution. ... 04_07_PLA_[P02998086]&rrid=238434262