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Financial "reform" bill will guarantee more stealing the fruits of our labor

By: Devvy
May 10, 2010

The Congress has been busy. Why, haven't you seen all these stern looking professional politicians from both sides on cable news networks jockey for their "solution" to our dire economic situation?

It's all a load of highest grade manure.

What we're seeing, again, is simply more of the same. Massaging the cancer instead of cutting it out. Most members of the U.S. Congress have zero understanding of Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution. Most members of the U.S. Congress have zero understanding of our monetary system. Most members of Congress are gutless cowards. They refuse to take on the establishment elites who own the banking cartels world wide -- with the exception of Rep. Ron Paul.

Many members of the House and unlawfully seated U.S. Senate[1] [a] will not be returning in January, i.e., crooks like Christopher Dodd [D-CT] and David Obey [D-WI]. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain by voting for the interests of the world banking cartels and against we the people - and they will.

The so-called reform underway - even if the thieves in Congress actually knew the meaning of reform - is not the whole solution, it's merely another political tool to keep the money masters in control of our financial system. Instead of going for the jugular, Congress is getting ready to con us again with more rules, more regulations, more useless government jobs and lots of political posturing for the upcoming primaries and pretend election in November.

There are a few proposals that will and should be implemented, i.e., repealing the disastrous Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, signed in November 1999, by Marxist Bill Clinton, which repealed part of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. You might compare that stupidity with pistons in a race car engine getting ready to rev up; the crash would take some time.

The popular Sen. Richard Shelby, lead Republican on the Senate Finance Committee wants you to support his non reform proposal:

"As the Senate moves toward a final vote on the bill in the coming weeks, Shelby said it must include reforms for Fannie and Freddie to address the root cause of the recent financial crisis. "For decades, these multi-trillion dollar institutions leveraged the implicit backing of the American taxpayer to encourage mortgage lending to people who could not afford to repay the loans," Shelby said in the weekly Republican address. "But when home prices finally collapsed, these ticking time bombs exploded, saddling taxpayers with hundreds of billions of dollars of debt," he said.

"Shelby, who has led negotiations on financial reform for Republicans, introduced an amendment to the bill last week with Senators John McCain and Judd Gregg. If adopted, the amendment eventually would strip the agencies of their mandate to promote affordable housing and reduce the government's role in mortgage finance."

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are illegal entities sponsored by the U.S. government. Freddie Mac is asking for another $10.6 BILLION dollar bail out. This is a bottomless pit that must be abolished, along with Fannie. It can be done in a rational, workable timetable because that debt is unsustainable. You and your children are being forced to cover the losses of a toxic system that has no legal authority to even exist.

No where in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize the U.S. Congress to enact any laws that steal from the people's purse, the U.S. Treasury, to act as lender or banker to any entity - auto, banks, FEMA, school loans and all the rest. No where in the Constitution. Yet, Congress has done nothing but steal the fruits of your labor to continue funding this massive hole in the water.

The real downfall of this republic began in 1913 when three key things happened: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Amendments were declared ratified when they were not and the prize: The "Federal" Reserve Act of 1913 was passed December 23, 1913. The beginning of the end:

"This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President [Woodrow Wilson] signs this Act the invisible government by the Money Powers, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized. The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on depressions will be scientifically created." Charles A. Lindberg, Sr., who served in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Congressman Louis McFadden fought like a warrior to expose the operations of the privately owned Federal Reserve System and often referred to the Board as traitors dealing in dishonesty as a natural course of business.[2] Congressman Wright Patman is often overlooked in his efforts to expose the thievery of the Federal Reserve, but he was a very vocal opponent. You can read about his efforts in The Legalized Crime of Banking and a Constitutional Remedy (195, by Silas Walter Adams. That book is free online here.

Our free enterprise system was bushwhacked long before I was born by the money masters and the out growth is all these "government sponsored" agencies that have done nothing but steal from you to give to someone else. Well, the thieves are about to get caught and this nation is going to suffer pain on a scale most people cannot understand and most are too scared to acknowledge.

The global elites who have been in control of our lives for so long have over played their hand. Their arrogance in believing a one world banking system run by a few elite at the top would work has brought us to the edge of the cliff and we are going over. I know that is scary and well it should be, however the numbers are too big and the real solutions are still being ignored by Congress. Just like the states refusing to address their financial messes over the years and that includes the massive pension fund burdens. They have all crossed the Rubicon.

Americans with their eyes open have been watching Greece, a socialist country awash in government "entitlements." The rooster has come home to croak. Now, the geniuses who made this mess in their own countries as well as ours, want to "bail out" Greece with more worthless paper and the sweat from your labor. Oh, yes, you, me, our children and grand children are going to be financially raped again to pay for the mismanagement and excesses of the Greek government.

How? Because we pay almost 25% of the tab for the International Monetary Fund, who, as of this morning, intend to throw some $287 BILLION worthless "dollars" towards this "bail out" over in Europe in an effort to stave off the same crisis in Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain. Our contribution is about $57 BILLION BORROWED DOLLARS.

The national debt created by Congress and sitting presidents who approve these budgets is $12.9 TRILLION dollars. "Our" contribution of roughly $57 billion to the European bankers has to be borrowed! Agree or disagree with Rep. Ron Paul on some issues, but this man knows what he's talking about when it comes to our monetary system:

Ron Paul: Euro Bailout Will Lead To Currency Collapse

“The prices are going up already, producer prices are going up, the cost of living will go up so everyone in America will suffer and eventually the whole world will suffer because we cannot carry the whole world with our dollar,â€