The true U.S. history of human medical experimentation

Dani Veracity
Natural News

Human experimentation -- that is, subjecting live human beings to science experiments that are sometimes cruel, sometimes painful, sometimes deadly and always a risk -- is a major part of U.S. history that you won't find in most history or science books. The United States is undoubtedly responsible for some of the most amazing scientific breakthroughs. These advancements, especially in the field of medicine, have changed the lives of billions of people around the world -- sometimes for the better, as in the case of finding a cure for malaria and other epidemic diseases, and sometimes for the worse (consider modern "psychiatry" and the drugging of schoolchildren).

However, these breakthroughs come with a hefty price tag: The human beings used in the experiments that made these advancements possible. Over the last two centuries, some of these test subjects have been compensated for the damage done to their emotional and physical health, but most have not. Many have lost their lives because of the experiments they often unwillingly and sometimes even unwittingly participated in, and they of course can never be compensated for losing their most precious possession of all: Their health.

As you read through these science experiments, you'll learn the stories of newborns injected with radioactive substances, mentally ill people placed in giant refrigerators, military personnel exposed to chemical weapons by the very government they served and mentally challenged children being purposely infected with hepatitis. These stories are facts, not fiction: Each account, no matter how horrifying, is backed up with a link or citation to a reputable source.

These stories must be heard because human experimentation is still going on today. The reasons behind the experiments may be different, but the usual human guinea pigs are still the same -- members of minority groups, the poor and the disadvantaged. These are the lives that were put on the line in the name of "scientific" medicine.

Read list of experiments at: Natural health news

I think it's great that CNN is currently running a series of
stories on "Soldier Guinea Pigs" in which American soldiers were
used as human test subjects in chemical and biological weapons

These are the kinds of things that need to be exposed.

And since they're doing their thing over there at CNN, I figure now
is as good a time as any to bring up the fact that it wasn't just
soldiers who volunteered, but unwitting civilian populations as

That's right, they conducted open air experiments in major
metropolitan areas, just to see what would happen...


Health and Medical Germ warfare experiments on civilian populations

Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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