The Next step for free people

Continental Congress ‘09

By Tom Deweese
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

In recent years Americans have become more and more alarmed at the lack of adherence to the U.S. Constitution exercised by Congress and other elected representatives. The list of violations has grown large indeed.

Some have tried to fight the violations through the election process, attempting to remove those representatives who have perpetrated them. Others have tried to fight infringing legislation as it is introduced. Still others have fought in the courts, attempting to defend liberties in front of judges who have sworn to uphold the Constitution.

To date, little has worked as many elected representatives and court rooms openly defy the Constitution, calling it antiquated. Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court announce that they now look to international law for precedence and guidance, rather than the Constitution. Government at all levels is growing ever further from the reach of the people. In such a growing desperate situation is it possible to restore the Republic to the vision of the Founding Fathers?

On November 11, 2009 116 delegates from 48 states gathered at Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL to see if they could bring together a plan to restore the Republic and reign in our runaway government. The event was the Continental Congress 2009 and was the brainchild of Robert Schulz, President of the We The People Foundation.

Throughout 2009, Schulz traveled the nation speaking out on the need for the People to take action to restore the Republic, citing in each case that “the Constitution cannot defend itself.â€