From: Lonewacko Blog

Janet Murguia of NCLR gets Mexican government's highest award for foreigners; Sarukhan promotes Latino voting, participation

Back on May 5, the Mexican government gave their highest award for foreigners - the "Ohtli Award" - to Janet Murguia of the National Council of La Raza. That award is basically given to putative Americans who help the government of Mexico push their agenda inside the U.S.; a list of past winners is here*. Per Google's accurate translation, those awards:


recognize the contribution of the winners to the empowerment of Mexican communities and Mexican-American in United States (que reconocen la contribución de los galardonados al empoderamiento de las comunidades mexicana y mexicano-americana en Estados Unidos)

The "Mexican community" in the U.S. includes a very large percentage of those here illegally, and as can be seen from the NCLR link above Murguia tries to help them in every way possible.

And, echoing comments they've made before, Mexico wants their citizens inside our country to also help push their agenda. Not only that, but they sound like our own homegrown political hacks (original at [1]):

"Nine percent of those who went to the polls on that day were identified as" Latinos "and this sector of the electorate was a decisive factor in the country in key states where the contest was closed, said Sarukhan.

The Ambassador encouraged the communities of Mexico and Mexican-Americans to increase their participation in public life of the country and strengthen their education and level of civic organization, to further enrich the vitality political, economic, cultural and social development of the United States.

[1] From

"Nueve por ciento de las personas que acudieron a las urnas ese dia se identificaron como "Latinos" y este sector del electorado fue factor decisivo en estados clave del pais en donde la contienda era cerrada, dijo (Arturo Sarukhan).

El Embajador animo a las comunidades mexicana y mexicano-americana a incrementar su participación en la vida pública del pais, asi como a fortalecer su educación y nivel de organización civica, para seguir enriqueciendo la vitalidad politica, económica, cultural y social de los Estados Unidos. ... t-award-fo

I do not read Spanish. It is my assumption that the two paragraphs in Spanish above reflect the two paragraphs in English which precede them.