It’s Not What Happened, but WHY?

by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Europe as it was under the Nazis prior to World War II. All of the blue and gray areas show Nazi-controlled Germany, other Axis members, and puppet states of the regime. Our fathers and grandfathers fought and died to liberate the world from the threat of Nazism.

(Apr. 24, 2011) — The Austrian Corporal said that he would use the German laws of free speech and assembly to overthrow the German government and then suspend those same freedoms that got him to the Chancellorship, and he did exactly what he told them he would do in his book Mein Kampf. I used to say, although I may not agree with you, I’ll defend, with my life, your ability and freedom to say what you want. Those days are gone, attributed to Herr Hitler and America 2008, for tarnishing a noble idea, for taking advantage of the freedom of expression and using it to hurt the ones that allowed you to use it.

When one reads such a well-documented takeover of a country that was on the cutting edge of art, medicine, music, research, and science and then turning that same country into a hate/killing machine within a decade, one can’t but wonder how such a thing could possibly happen. There were voices foreseeing the future destruction of Germany, but they were ignored. There were calls of warning, unheeded by everyone. There were desperate attempts of reason, of conjuring, pleading, begging, but the cries fell on deaf ears. People really didn’t want to hear bad news and were easily swayed by the giant propaganda machine of the Third Reich.

The regime of the Nazi Party, of fear, of turning in your neighbor on some falsified charge before he could falsify against you, of watch what you say, watch what you think, was defeated by American G.I.’s who only wanted to get it over with and go home. The German people and peoples of the world were lucky the United States was there to bail them out.

But there’s nobody left to bail us out. The exact same game plan that was used against Germany in the 1930’s is being used against the United States now. There are the same desperate attempts to warn fellow citizens. From “Please pay attention,â€