As a corollary to the main topic of this forum.

Please hear me out.

I have just spent hours trying to help my husband's computer. My local Quest internet service, in order to maximize shareholder return, has farmed out the customer help to the Phillipines. My router, Linksys, has farmed out their customer help to India. This is like when Arizona farmed out the welfare department to India when they could have given jobs locally and got some of them off the welfare. idk current status of that one.

Having a computer is considered a necessary utility, especially if you are seeking a job. In my area most do not have them - they also do not have jobs and no hope of getting one. They do not have phones and no way to get to the library daily to use the computer there (and that entails packing a lunch and waiting around for a long time.)

I want to see a movement to hire US citizens. If you want to do business in this country you need to hire citizens. Currently the NWO order agenda has enacted laws that say that even government entities must take the lowest bidder on a job - Arizona welfare department to India. Heard it on the radio years ago and not sure how to verify with links. We did it with the Japanese auto makers decades ago and we need to do it for everything. Hire US citizens if you wish to do business in this country.

All those companies that took our bail-out money and then moved off-shore to start anew in other nations needs to re-imburse us for the full amount yesterday those traitors. Who is working on that one?

The laws of this nation as it currently stands are making citizens into illegals. I have been watching it for years. We have a dual legal system that I have written about here before. Illegals are allowed every inducement to do business but citizens must comply with great expense legal requirements and paperwork. The illegals can have a hand painted sign on their business. The citizen must spend big bucks on a plastic sign that meets "code." Just one example. The illegals are allowed to live many in a residence so that they can afford to live. A citizen will be prosecuted for doing the same.

Is there anybody who has a group supporting the hiring of US citizens first and foremost?

Could there be a dedicated thread on this forum to that issue?

Could we start a resource thread keeping us up to date on where to spend our monies because those businesses hire US citizens? Do I have an option on internet provider and router that is fully domestic? I don't care if they are pink green or purple - just let them be US citizens please.