As a prominent Radio Host of a conservative radio station said earlier this evening

What you are seeing, going on in America is nothing more than "Trickle up Poverty"

That Applies to the
- Economy
- Illegal Immigration
-and any other wacko program the Democrats and Republicans want to throw our way to maintain the stranglehold on "The Little People" you know... we the middle class (Little People)

So with the Republicans we get "Trickle Down Economics" everybody went broke but those that already had money

and with the Democrats we get "Trickle up Poverty" (That Includes George Bush) he is not a conservative... you'll never in a million years convince me of that.

It's time for the middle class to get a little fire going in their bellies and take our country back from this criminal cabal in Washington DC. If you have corruption going on at the state level... fire them too.... It's time to clean house America.. you can no longer wait for someone to do it for you

there is one thing I know... nothing gets a man motivated than seeing his and other families children going hungry

When the belly button hits the back bone there is nothing left but to go to the root cause to fix it

this recession or depression is going to be long and deep from what I have read and heard ... it's going to be bad... I worry for the weak, the elderly and the disabled

Darwin's theory will come into play... I hope you have been planning