Dr John P Holdren, Director of Science and Technology Policy

Sympathy, Please, for White House Czars

By Barry Napier
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Obama, full of his own importance and yet cutely incompetent, appointed ‘Czars’ to bring him daily doses of wisdom he could use in his work as Resident of the USA (I left the ‘p’ off, because he might move back to Kenya one day). We hope. Soon.

One Czar currently enjoying the limelight is Dr John P Holdren, Director of Science and Technology Policy. This delightfully nasty piece of work has been prominently mentioned in the hacked emails taken from the CRU, East Anglia University. In them he suitably slanders and slashes a number of other scientists, because they dared to oppose global warming. (Notice, by the way, how global warming has sort of left the stage? The same happened when they discovered the global ice age was not happening back in the 1970s and 80s. Funny, eh? We should, by this record of academic success, see climate change disappearing soon, to be replaced by, er, the changing fur colour of koala bears caused by, er, alien space ships).

Anyway, back to our expert at the White House, Holdren. He, like others of similarly insane mind, constantly demands we all knuckle down to his obviously clear warning to act fast on climate change (or is it global warming, or was it global freezing in the ice age? – can’t remember). He blames all of us for keeping our heads and not falling under the Gore green machine’s rollers to be made into intellectual mulch, and for stopping a consensus forming over green stuff, whatever it currently is.

Holdren can’t help it, of course; he wants power, our money, and lots of authority to do us down socialist-style to satisfy his ego. What do you say? That he really believes in that nonsense? Now. Come friends. Don’t get him wrong. It is true that he doesn’t really believe in green issues, but only wants what they can give him personally – cars, cash and kudos; but hey, what else should a specious and fallacious expert do?

Like other Obama-ites, he is gaining ground on us lesser mortals simply by saying ridiculous things. I’m sure that if we clued-up we could be just as stupid. Remember (TCSDaily interview, 2003) Holdren famously betrayed his lack of scientific credibility by saying that the scientific ‘burden of proof’ changes with time (you know, like global ice-age freezing changes to global warming changes to climate change, and so on, all without proof or explanation. Seems he might be right!). That’s how he neatly got out of explaining why he downplayed the Medieval Warm period that so naughtily got in the way of global warming claims. Well, you can’t expect a genuine scientific answer all the time, surely? He must have his off days just like, um, Obama every day?

Tim Ball puts Holdren’s position rather plainly: that his “entire defense and position devolves to a political position.â€