From Karen at the Taxfree15 group

Hello All!
Here are excerpts from the article that I attempted send out earlier in the week,
written by Dale McFeatters

...Obama showed up to the G-20 meeting in London with 500 staff in tow,
including 200 Secret Service agents, a team of 6 doctors, the White House
Cheff and kitchen staff with the president's own food and water.

And according to the Evening Standard, he also came with "35 vehicles in
all, four speech writers and 12 teleprompters"...

The press duly reported on Air Force ONe and all its bells and whistles but also
on the presence of the presidential helicpoter, Marine One, and a fleet of
identical decoys to ferry him from Stansted airport to central London.

Among all those vehicles is the presidential limousine, which one local
paper mistakenly called Cadillac One, but is universally referred to as the
Beast. The limo reinforced with ceramic and titanium armor, carries tear
gas cannon, night-vision devices and its own oxygen and is resistant to
chemical and radiation attack. It is, marveled one reporter, a sort of mobile
panic room. The Guardian called it "the ultimate in heavily armored transport"....

We lose our homes and our retirements and health benefits, while our
so called "leaders" take money out of our pockets for these types of
excesses, and war, giving billions a year to Israel as well.

And lets not forget the parties we pay for

Have you ever thought about what we could do with all the money
spent on war if we put it into ourselves and our world? No one would be
hungry, and no one would have to live on the street.

We've been trained to believe that we must give away a good portion of what we
earn to keep others in power, and fight their wars and keep quiet or go to a caged free
speech zone to protest, or to jail for threatening the military industrial complex
with ideas of freedom....and we pay for all of it.

There is nothing elite about those in power.
We're all debt slaves due to their criminal policies.
So how about we call them what they truly are:
a Dominant insane minority..
DIMs, who deceive us with CRAP..Criminals Ruling All Politics....

Here's what Detlev from Switzerland thinks: ... minoritat/
You can translate by hitting the word translate.

We're stuck with the crap until we get the Dims out of power, and all we have
to do really, is withdraw support! We far outnumber them.....and when enough
of us remember that and get fed up with what we are forced to pay for,
we can change our world through peaceful non-compliance and withdraw our support,
totally, collectively, globally.

That is why it is so important to be as self sufficient as possible.
Prepare yourselves with storable food, water, etc, and learn all the survival
skills you can. Here's a good place to go tonight...or check the archives

And here's another look at global non-compliance from Max Igan

Power to the People through Peaceful Unity!
Karen and the Tax Free Team (check back often for updates)
