Money The Ultimate Addiction
Jim Kirwan

The Devil does indeed 'lie in the details' of this finalizing moment of the federal government's insertion of itself, into the previously most-private interests of the major banks and US financial institutions. As early as today it is becoming clear that these banks and institutions are not yet "interested" in loaning out the $250 Billion that they got in exchange for letting the government into their private dens-of-monetary-iniquity: "NOT interested".

So, the owners are going to keep the money to "earn" more illicit interest, at the expense of those in crying need for what that investment of capital was supposed to solve? That's what we get for not making the loaning of that money immediately mandatory! Analysis's say that the money just inserted will not be available for several months: which translates to "AFTER the Elections."

According to the Wall Street Journal this morning:

"Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. at the Treasury headquarters Messrs Paulson and Bernanke had called one of the most important gatherings of bankers in American history. As the meeting neared a close, each banker was handed a term sheet determining how the government would take stakes valued at a combined $125 billion in their banks, and impose new restrictions on executive pay and dividend policies." However from comments made at that meeting it was clear that the bankers did not see the need for this, however it was equally clear to them, that they had to sign those term sheets.

Meanwhile: "The Fed, on its own initiative, began passing out the cash. $49 billion last Wednesday alone went to the banks. That same day, the Fed lent $146 billion to investment firms. By the time people went home for the weekend, $410 billion had passed from the Fed to private firms. The money was lent, says the Bloomberg report, at about 2.25% interest." As a point of reference, I got an email where Oliver Garret of Casey Research by way of The Daily Reckoning said, "To put this amount into perspective: if you had spent one million dollars a day, from the birth of Christ until today, you would have only spent about 732 billion dollars." The Mogambo Guru for The Daily Reckoning, Australia.

Apparently high finance is too esoteric for most Americans to keep up with. Maybe we can more easily understand how the dollar signs on the ankles above are instrumental in linking us to each other. But there are additional common denominators throughout his entire charade that de-mystify this giveaway of the public's money to the most dangerous high-profile criminals in the land: Our Money-Lenders.

These money-lenders, the owners of our lives, are in the habit of demanding all kinds of behavior-modifications from the public, as well as the work-force, to minimize "risks" to their capital investments: Risks that they feel they suffer whenever any of their two-legged collateral is employed.

Workers are property (business collateral) and must be monitored in every aspect of their lives: even though they are only paid for a small portion of their 24-7 workweek; which their owners currently have total-control over. So in exchange for the privilege of a dead- end job; workers must modify their behaviors to conform to what is directly optimal for the financial benefit of their Owners. That is what lies behind the regulations of every habit and association practiced by any employee; on or off their so-called "jobs".

Now compare that "deal" with the one that was struck in 1913 by the Federal Reserve "Bank" with the Congress of the United States. In exchange for the right to print all US currency; The Federal Reserve Bank did NOT have to pay the government for that license, rather, we the people of the USA had to pay them (the private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank) for every dollar of ours which they print.

What kind of a negotiation was that; and who exactly was "protecting the real and long-term interests of the people" of this country? It was definitely not the congress, or the US Supreme Court, and that illegal quagmire is at the core of this entire problem with our money and our "credit" now.

Common-denominators Throughout every financial investment or money management decision, the parties involved from the investors to the lenders to the borrowers; the one thing that all seem to have in common is an addiction to outrageous profits. This is akin to being simultaneously addicted to both cocaine and heroin. When addictions on this level are involved, neither rational thinking nor common sense, are ever allowed to affect the final choices made by these quasi-legal constructs that we call corporations or privately owned central banks, which the public must then live with.

Is this gullible American public going to let this happen again without a fight! Damn! And to think we used to pride ourselves on being hard-headed businessmen and women: Looks like we just sold out to the worst bunch of criminals this world has ever seen, and we're doing it without even filing class-action lawsuits against every agency involved, for all that they've already taken from us; not to mention how much more we shall continue to lose-given their obvious reluctance to act in time to avert those huge additional loses; loses which these confounding mixed signals are sending to the nation and the world.

If America is ever going to get out of this bottomless pit that we're digging for ourselves: then we have to stop digging-now! And as full-blown financial addicts we must rein-in the usurious habits that we've allowed our owners to become accustomed to.

Interest rates must be slashed on everything and the taxes that were taken off the major corporations must be reinstated, then added to, as these partners in crime acting on behalf of the money- lenders have been the only ones to benefit from seven years of war and criminality to which this administration has fully committed this nation and our descendents for the next fifty years.

This is why people have to be fired at the top, in every area of the administration of this Bailout of the Bandits, if there is to ever be even the slightest hope of that return to profitability that yesterday's headlines so prematurely-proclaimed, in banner headlines.

Addicts of any kind have never made good leaders, because they are far too vulnerable to the weaknesses of their addictions: in this case their addiction to obscene amounts of illicit profits. If those setting the interest rates and making decisions are removed, then the stock-holders will be forced to curtail their addictions as well. If this cannot be done-then we need to get used to the idea that "Yesterday is Gone," forever! From the day on which that phrase becomes the fact: everything here will crumble, because there will be no room for anything that is actually legitimate or legal: Which means that an Outlaw-Country will have replaced what working people built into an imperfect nation, but one that at least had a fighting chance for most of its people.

The New World Order, in the uniform of The Fascist North American Union, will not resemble that "USA" that so many still believe exists! Once the 'selections' are over the real changes will begin because there will technically no longer be any reason at all to fear this public: A public that has proven itself over and over and over again to be more than compliant-with whatever these overpaid traitors have directed them "to do!" As an example, the only reference to the public, given in any of the government's explanations for this crisis has never included the word citizen. "We" are always referred to as "consumers," because under the constitution consumers have no standing at all, whereas "citizens" have rights.

It was your money that they're using now: and if you continue to do nothing the rest of everything you have will end up in their coffers. I live hand-to-mouth now, but when I was younger those who lived as most do now were targets for every kind of con, because they did not pay attention: None of that has changed America, because "a Mark is still a Mark, just as "a Con is still a Con." What happened to that pride that you used to have about being so aware, especially when it came to business?

Talk to your friends; take another long, hard look at your business associates, at your relationships and, god forbid, at what passes for your life! There have to be a number of things that you can do now, to begin to take back control over your own life, and reassert yourself. We must break our chains to this addiction to illicit profits and Outlaw control over our government because failure to do this now is unthinkable.