Confession No. 14: The 9/11 Dead, Speaking In The Midnight Skies, Demand Justice
Any discussion of who are the real perpertrators of 9/11 is incomplete with discussing Vatican and Jesuit Order hierarchy.10 Sep 2006
By Greg Szymanski

If you listened closely last night, the voices of the 9/11 dead began speaking from the heavens, demanding with a thunderous midnight cry to bring the true perpetrators to justice.

And in the name of the fallen, we begin this Sept. 11 Confession with the Jesuits with a moment of silence and a solemn prayer for the more than 3,000 innocent souls killed by the U.S. government with complicity of the Vatican hierarchy and the evil hierarchy of the Jesuit Order.

Yes, the Mossad was involved. Yes, the CIA played an important role. Yes, the members of the CFR knew what was coming down. And yes they all knew full-well and without a shadow of a doubt that Muslim terrorists were going to be used as scapegoats and that they had the full cooperation of all the Middle East leaders who agreed to play the bad guys in this fake war on terrorism and who together with their corrupted American leaders are all playing on the same New World Order/Illuminati team.

However, even if you nailed every last one of them you still wouldn’t have cut off the head of the real snaky perpetrator until the chain of 9/11 legal causation was linked to the Vatican hierarchy and the creepy hierarchy of the Jesuit Order led by the priest known as the Black Pope and the Jesuit General, Fr. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach.

Although prayers or a court of law can never bring back the lives cut short on 9/11, we can at least in the names of those who died, as well as for the sake of their loved ones, dedicate all of America’s resources and all of America’s waking hours to nail the real killers hiding behind black robes and the thin veil of a free America.

Simply put, five years have passed and the 9/11 criminal investigation has been a joke.

The U.S. has put up a big smokescreen. The media has helped spread more smoke. Hollywood movie and video makers are now profiting from the tragedy by spreading more false propaganda.

And the table is now set like it was in the JFK assassination debate for 30 more years of endless seminars and symposiums among truth seekers who enjoy listening to themselves talk ad essentially playing with the tail of the snake instead of having the courage to cut off it’s ugly head.

As we meet for Confession 14 among the peaks of the Rockies where God’s beauty still abounds, we urge the Jesuit Order and the Vatican hierarchy “to finally come clean and give it up,â€