The Economic Insane Asylum

Economics / Economic Theory
Sep 05, 2010 - 10:44 AM

By: D_Sherman_Okst

In a Nutshell: Our economy is really an insane asylum run by lunatics.

Common Sense: No problem can be fixed before a solution is formed. No solution can be formed until the underlying problems are clearly identified.

The officials in charge of fixing the economy have not articulated the underlying problems. Worse, many of these officials - directly or indirectly - created or contributed the underlying problems.

It is shear lunacy to expect that the people who screwed up the economy have any chance at fixing what they destroyed.

Identification of the Underlying Problems
Income: Average Real Weekly Earnings, (read: incomes adjusted for inflation), are below what what what they were in 1973. Income wise the average American family is worse off now than they were 37 years (4 decades) ago.

The Dollar’s Value: And it isn’t like we have a stronger dollar now. If we did perhaps we could get by with less money. No, Uncle Buck is worth 95% less than he was 84 years ago when the “Creature From Jeckyll Islandâ€