I was at a meeting the other night where these booklets were available to attendees. This little booklet lays out many of the abuses of power demonstrated by the guy currently occupying the White House. Much of the info is not news to many of us on Alipac, but may be the 'eye opener' for others who aren't as well informed. I urge you to download a copy and read it yourself. If you think the information is worth passing on to others, these folks will GIVE you 250 (or more, if needed)- they would appreciate a donation to cover shipping, but if you can't pay it they will still ship the booklets to you so you can help shine a light on the most un-American person to ever occupy the People's House.

We will provide this 32 page booklet FREEto anyone who wants to distribute them. A donation to cover postage is appreciated, but not necessary. A box contains 250 booklets. Fill in form below and tell us how many boxes you want and your name, address, and phone number. If you want to help cover cost of postage, there is an option at the bottom of this page. Postage for each box costs $10.
If you live in the Nashville vicinity, please include your phone number so we can contact you to arrange to pick them up or deliver to you so we can save on postage. Thanks.
» Unfit To Rule