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Real Housewives" duo are surprise guests at White House dinner

Michaele, right, and Tareq Salahi arrive at Tuesday's state dinner at the White House. (Photo by Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post)UPDATED 4:40 PM: White House says surprise guests crashed the state dinner; were not invited. Read more here.

The big mystery of the state dinner: What were Tareq and Michaele Salahi doing there?

Until recently, the NoVa horse-country couple were best known for the financial upheaval and familial bickering surrounding his parents' Oasis Winery, and some drama surrounding the America's Polo Cup tournament they founded and a charity linked to it. But their current claim to fame: Michaele's likely role on "Real Housewives of Washington," for which Bravo's cameras have been following them recently.

They showed up at the White House Tuesday night looking suitably glam and were dutifully announced -- but they were nowhere on the guest list released by the White House. Tareq Salahi told us in an e-mail overnight that their connecton came from the fact that a team from India is scheduled to play the U.S. in his next polo tournament. "They are very excited in this first ever cultural connection being hosted on the DC National Mall since Polo is one of the primary sports in India," he told us. (Michaele's dazzling red-and-gold gown, he told us, was bought on their trip to India last year while laying the groundwork for the next match.) Will add more as we learn it.

By Terri Rupar | November 25, 2009; 7:30 AM ET